Meteor Shower Leonid 2018: When will the next meteor shower – When will the Leonids have a spike? | Science | New


The Leonid meteor shower is one of the most prolific rain showers, blasting every year in November.

The Leonids cross the night sky as the Earth crosses the orbital trajectory of the Temple-Tuttle comet.

Shooting stars are the cosmic remains and debris left behind the giant space rock as it rushes around the Sun.

The night of the culmination of the shower, the Leonids build with intensity, dazzling spectators of the sky with an unforgettable performance of the staging of nature.

When is the meteor shower peak Leonid?

The Leonids are expected to peak this month between the night of Saturday 17 November and the morning of Sunday 18 November.

The shower will be the most intense this weekend but the whole range of activities is between 15 and 20 November.

Even if you miss the shower the night of the peak, you should still be able to see a number of shooting stars the days before and after the peak.

From time to time, the Leonids produce a so-called Leonid storm when hundreds, even thousands of meteors crisscross the sky.

Meteor showers occur approximately every 33 years and this year, astronomers do not expect them to occur.

What is the best time to see the meteor shower Leonid?

As with most meteor showers, Leonids are best seen between midnight and dawn before dawn, when the sky is black.

Deborah Byrd, astronomer,, suggests monitoring the meteors early in the morning or after the moonset.

Unfortunately for meteor hunters, a bright moon on the night of the peak could somewhat hinder the conditions of observation.

Mrs. Byrd said: "In 2018, the peak of the shower is expected from midnight to dawn on Saturday and Sunday morning – November 17 and 18.

"Even though a brilliant gibbous moon will hurry for most of the night, try watching this shower during the hours before dawn or after the moonset."

How to see Leonid meteorite this month?

Meteors are incredibly fast objects, with bright fire trails and occasional fireball eruptions.

This means that your telescope or binoculars will not be needed on the night of the peak. Instead, trust both your eyes.

The Royal Observatory Greenwich said, "The meteor hunt, like the rest of astronomy, is a waiting game. It is therefore best to bring a comfortable chair to sit and warm up, because you could stay outside for a while.

"They can be seen at the naked eye, so you do not need binoculars or a telescope, although you have to allow your eyes to adapt to it. ;darkness."

Your eyes should not take more than 20 to 30 minutes to adjust to the darkness.

Where to see the meteor peak Leonid?

The night of the meteor shower peak, if you trace the shooting stars in the sky, they will appear to radiate from a point near the constellation Leo – their name.

But the meteors that come off in the atmosphere are known to fly in all kinds of directions, which means that it's best not to look for their point of radiation.

Instead, find a quiet, dark place with an unobstructed view of the night sky.

Ms. Byrd said, "We hear a lot of people seeing meteors in courtyards, on bridges, in the streets and especially on highways in and around cities.

"But the best place to watch a meteor shower is always in the country.

"Just go far enough away from the city so that the twinkling stars, the same stars drowned by the lights of the city, begin to appear."

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