Meteorological Service Issues Heat Warnings with Peak Temperatures Sunday, State Parks State Packs


Three-digit temperatures and high humidity stifled the Hartford area on Sunday, prompting the National Weather Service to issue another excessive thermal monitoring and packing state parks with residents seeking relief in their homes. ponds and their beaches. Heat monitoring from 10am to 8pm Sunday, warning of a "dangerous situation" caused by roasting temperatures and 80% humidity that can quickly cause heat-related illnesses.

The weather service forecasts that temperatures will peak at 101 in the Hartford area on Sunday. The service also issued a heat monitoring for Monday from 10am to 7pm, with temperatures expected to hover in the 90s.

On Sunday, the weather service urged people to limit the time spent at the airport. outside and to watch the elderly neighbors and friends. It is also recommended to wear light and loose clothing to help dissipate heat.