Mexican boss Neymar Lambasts for "Clowning Around" while PSG Star Antics steal the show


Mexican manager Juan Carlos Osorio criticized the theatricalization of Neymar in his 2-0 defeat against Brazil on Monday, while the Seleção again made headlines. Neymar was found on the score sheet early in the second half, with Roberto Firmino giving Brazil a break, but the Paris Saint-Germain winger drew the most attention following to a minor incident with Mexico [19659003MiguelLayún

The former defender of Seville seemed to stand on Neymar's ankle, but the reaction of this 26-year-old player prompted the boss of Mexico, Osorio , to dedicate much of his post-game commentary. " We had control of the match, but for me, it is shameful that we could lose so much time on a player," said Mexico coach, according to ESPN ]

"The one to lay for a player lasted four minutes, and that's a lesson for the same kids who play."


The D & D Team Osorio more than doubled Brazil throughout the first half, but El Tri was slowly worn out by the Seleção –

" We were able to play a game quite balanced and I think that says a lot about us and about our style. Sky Sports

"We hope that our players will be able to play in Europe to play every weekend against the best players Brazil will now face Belgium for a place in the semi-finals of the World Cup this summer, while that Mexico's players will return home before the new campaign, although a number of the stars could be set for transfers, the least important of which is their golden boy, Hirving Lozano.

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