Lawyer Michael Avenatti was released from custody after being arrested on a charge of domestic violence in Los Angeles. (November 14)

Michael Avenatti, the lawyer became famous during his crusade against President Donald Trump, will not be charged with a crime in the domestic violence case that led to his arrest last week.

The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office announced the decision Wednesday afternoon, claiming that the case had been forwarded to city prosecutors for it to review and decide whether criminal charges would be filed.

Avenatti, who is best known for portraying porn star Stormy Daniels in a lawsuit against President and Michael Cohen, was arrested in Los Angeles last week for suspicion of domestic violence.

The victim wrote in a request for a ban order that week against Avenatti, claiming that the lawyer had dragged her by the arm and laid on the floor of her Los apartment Angeles after a fight.

More: Michael Avenatti "still considering" running for president after arrest for domestic violence

More: Michael Avenatti Arrested in Los Angeles and Denies Charges of Domestic Violence

Avenatti has qualified the manufacturing claims and has pledged to fight for clarification.

After the district prosecutor's office announced the announcement, Avenatti issued a statement in which he thanked his family, friends and supporters who had remained with him despite the charges.

"I have maintained my innocence since the moment of my arrest," he said. "This Thanksgiving, I am particularly grateful for justice."

For months, Avenatti flirted with a potential bid for the 2020 presidency, but a mix of bad news casts doubt on his ability to succeed in a successful campaign.

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His law firm was deported this week after not paying more than $ 213,000 in rent. Last month, he was sentenced to pay $ 4.85 million in salary arrears to a lawyer who was working for his former law firm.

Some critics, Republicans and Democrats, have also accused Avenatti of his role in the confirmation process of Justice Brett Kavanaugh of the Supreme Court.

Critics have claimed that the allegations made several decades ago about a gang rape committed by his client, Julie Swetnick, cast doubt on the other allegations of sexual assault.

Despite the barrage of negativity, Avenatti told USA TODAY last week that he "was still considering" a candidacy for the post of president in 2020.

"I will not be intimidated," said Avenatti in a text message. "The measure of a person is the way she gets up when she is knocked out."

Prior to the mid-term elections, Avenatti traveled the country to speak at Democratic fundraising events, some of which were sold.

In recent weeks he has benefited from the help of a group of senior Democratic advisers and has set up a political action committee, noted Politico in October. The advisory group includes those who worked on campaigns for Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Contribution: Associated Press

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