Michael Bublé reveals that he returns to music to do something beautiful after his son Noah fought cancer


Just two years ago, Michael Bublé and his wife, Luisana Lopilato, learned that their son Noah, now five years old, had been diagnosed with liver cancer. But now that Noah is in remission, the 43-year-old singer was inspired to return to the music after a free time to record "Something Beautiful".

On Friday, November 16, Michael, 43, participated in the TV show of ITV Loose women to discuss the current state of his family and his music.

Michael Buble singing
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"I think everyone knows what my family has been through, it was obviously amazing and heavy," Michael said. "Once my child was well and my family was trying to move on and heal, I felt very simply that there were so many moments when I looked at the world and I was I'm told: honestly, there are so many gaps between the people who are fighting, I'm not sure I do not want to add to the negativity. "

"I am blessed to love music and to be grateful for the compassionate support my family has received. I wanted to put something beautiful so that people could laugh, cry, make babies … You can not control the good and the bad days, but you can control how you make others feel, "he said. .

Michael and Noah Buble
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Michael described his album, titled Love, as his "most honest," adding, "I hate how much honesty has cost me. I think a lot of these songs talk about light and love black. This word love comes from pain and suffering and sometimes from violence. It's strange, you know, having a record, you work really hard when you're having dinner, you've prepared everything and you've put the garnish, and in four minutes everything is gone and you stay sitting. all parties. That's the difference between me and now. I realize that I can not control what people feel. "

Michael slowly returns to the music. Not only Love file on November 16, but Michael recently announced a world tour of 36 dates. But more importantly, Michael and his family know that Noah is in good health.

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