Michael Cohen at Trump: I'll go back to you


Michael Cohen said that he "would take a bullet" for President Trump. He would have said that he would prefer " to jump from a building rather than turn Donald Trump ."

He now seems very ready to pounce.

In an interview with George Stephanopoulos of ABC posted Monday morning, the former Trump attorney and repairman sent his clearest signal to date that he is ready to return on Trump. But, although there have been others recently, this one came from the horse's mouth

"Once I understand the charges against me, if there are any, a, I will hand over to my new lawyer, Guy Petrillo. "Cohen said:

Hurrying on his past comment to be willing to do anything for Trump, Cohen has to again hinted: "To be clear, my wife, my daughter and my son, and this country have my first loyalty"

Cohen accepted this interview knowing that this would be an important issue. And it can not be a coincidence if a trio of stories emerged a few weeks ago, while showing that it was possible to consider overthrowing Trump. There was a Wall Street Journal story stating that he was unhappy with Trump for not helping with his legal bills. CNN quoted an anonymous source as saying, "If they want information about Trump, he's ready to give it." So Cohen resigned as vice president of finance of the Republican National Committee citing not only the investigation, but his disagreement with the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the border. This last justification seems to have been sent to send a message from a guy who has promised total loyalty to Trump and who has never really spoken publicly about politics.

And Cohen's interview has another great signal: the announced end of an agreement The Trump legal team to share information. Such things often prevent a more antagonistic relationship. Michael Flynn's lawyers have stopped sharing information with Trump's lawyers shortly before he turns around, for example.

So, a message is clearly sent; the question is why. Is Cohen really ready to flip, or are all these signals being sent in the name of a Trump action – whether it's paying legal bills or something more absolute like a pardon?

It seems like it works. Signs that Cohen may return go back months, shortly after he was raided by federal investigators. There seems to be a more concerted effort since Cohen has retained Petrillo, a veteran from the Southern District of New York, with whom Cohen would sign an agreement. Until then, this does not seem to have elicited the desired reaction

And, in fact, the opposite seems to be happening. Trump and the White House have downplayed Cohen and suggested that his legal problems have nothing to do with it. Asked by Stephanopoulos about this treatment, Cohen became rigid and assured. "I will not be a punching bag as part of anyone's defense strategy," he said. "I'm not a bad guy in this story, and I will not allow others to try to portray me that way."

Trump does not care what Cohen could provide? he can forgive Cohen or pay his legal fees, politically speaking, or is it just a part of the intense public negotiations (so thoroughly and strangely Trumpian) that are unfolding around all this just now ?

There are so many questions but now a threat is clearly and unequivocally Cohen put the ball in the Trump camp

This article has been updated.

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