Michael Cohen, Gaza, Trump: Your weekend briefing


Here are the best stories of the week and a perspective of the future.

"They need to wake up and pay attention to what people really want," said a voter of the leaders of the 39; establishment. – Cortez, a rising star on the left after his victory in New York, made his debut in the national campaign in Kansas with Senator Bernie Sanders.


5. Israel launched one of the most ferocious attacks in years in the Gaza Strip.

Israeli security experts said that the air attack was one of the most intense since a ceasefire ended 50 days of fighting. territory in 2014.

In recent months, Israeli snipers have killed more than 140 mostly unarmed Palestinians, according to Gaza health officials. Above, a funeral in Gaza on Friday.

Israel says it has acted to prevent the violations of the fence and repel the attacks of Gaza militants like that of Friday, in which an Israeli soldier was shot and killed.

Israel and Hamas fought three wars over the past decade, and many on both sides believe that a fourth is inevitable.

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