Michael Drejka, a man in Florida, hold on


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While the Florida man, in the center of a deadly shooting in July, was released on Monday, hundreds of pages of sheriff's documents were released.

According to the documents, a witness told a detective that the shooter, Michael Drejka, had seemed "more angry" than remorseful and immediately justified the shooting by those who had seen what was happening at Clearwater's Circle A store.

Spectator Robert Castelly said that Drejka mumbled to himself: "I just shot at someone, what did you think it was going to happen? not have to run on me. "

Another witness, Vicki Conrad, said that she had not heard Drejka say that he had shot anyone, but that after the incident she was had been struck by his behavior, according to the sheriff's department documents.

"Her behavior was, you know, like, proud," she says in a transcript with a detective.

"I do not want to put words in your mouth, but as if it did not bother you, is that what you mean?" the detective asked.

"Yeah, yeah, and like it's cool, you know," Conrad said.

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