Michael Moore and Bill Maher warn that Donald Trump will win the 2020 elections


Fahrenheit 11/9 director Michael Moore gave a warning to non-Trump supporters on real time on Friday night. "You have to listen this time," he pleaded in front of the cameras, "because he's going to win the 2020 elections."

"Even if he does not, he will not leave," Bill Maher added.

Maher introduced Moore to his show four months before the 2016 election, and they noted that few seemed to believe them when they predicted Donald Trump's victory. Moore hopes people will listen now, but his hopes are not so high.

"[Trump] will not leave after the second term if he does not, if no one stops him," he said. "This man believes to be president for life."

The documentary maker, behind such films as Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11 also refers to President Trump speaking of extending his presidency beyond the limit eight years old.

"He's now president for life, President for life, no, he's great," Trump said of Chinese President Xi Jinping, reported by CNN, "And look, he was able to do that. I think it's great. Maybe we'll have to shoot one day. Vice President Mike Pence also compared Trump to Teddy Roosevelt, who served two terms.

"He loves dictators," continued Moore. "I tell you, my friends, if we do not have them. let's stop now, you'll watch this show when we were all doing silly things, talking about The Handmaid Tale but that's the

Earlier in the series, Maher and Bradley Whitford invited Moore to take note of The Handmaid's Tale but he had promised that he had "a serious point"

"The best part of the show are the flashbacks where [Elisabeth Moss’ Offred] tries to understand, where was the point where it was too late? "Moore said," Where was the point where if we all got up, if we had just done something? "Fascism, Moore and Maher agree," occurs in small increments. "

So, what does the American public think? "I will join a million other people around the US capital," he said, referring to efforts to extend Trump's appointment to a new one. New Supreme Court.

In a hotter moment, Moore shouted not just playing. "They go to the magical thinking and they go," A fertilized egg is a human being! A fertilized egg is a human being! "He exclaimed. "And they repeat it over and over, and they have millions behind them … When are we going [Democrats] to start talking like this?"

Watch the full clip above.

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