Michael Moore and Seth Meyers are hearing from the Electoral Council to give white men: "Give up!"


Michael Moore has a message for "white men" as voters prepare to enter the country's voting booths: "Give up!

The director of "Fahrenheit 11/9" went on Thursday to "Late Night with Seth Meyers" to encourage white men to "let the majority genre lead the series".

"If I could just talk to my angry white American colleagues who are half as uneducated as me -" guys, forget about it. We have been running the series for 10,000 years. It's as if we had a long race as men who ran everything. … why do not we take a break? Let the majority kind lead the show. What are you afraid of? "

"Just for … yeah," agreed Mr. Meyers. "Just to see how it would be."

Moore then went on to say that most Americans, despite President Trump's election victory in 2016 and the Republican Party's control of Congress, "believed in the Liberal agenda."

"Every poll shows that, Seth," he said. "Whether it's climate change, women's pay equity, raising the minimum wage, the majority of Americans agree with all of these things. [and that they] should arrive. And we have to trust that. "

The director recently stated in "Fahrenheit 11/9" that America was to be fundamentally changed considering Trump's election.

"If it's America we're trying to save, maybe we have to ask why," he said. "Why save America? The America I want to save is America that we never had. … Sometimes I guess it takes a Donald Trump to wake us up and realize that what we need to do is acknowledge that we have to get rid of all the rotten system that gave us Trump. "

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