Michael Moore buried the arbitration with the ex-wife


Kathleen Glynn alleges that she receives meager amounts for her films, but a dispute over the argument breaks out.

Like Michael Moore in first Fahrenheit 11 /9 This month, in Toronto, the famous documentary filmmaker is wrestling with an ever-growing fight with his ex-wife who even has a weird Harvey Weinstein monochrome.

For 23 years, Moore was married to Kathleen Glynn, but the relationship was more than husband and wife. She was also her business partner and a film producer such as Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11. According to new court documents, in 2014, when they separated, Glynn agreed to give up his 50% stake in their joint venture in exchange for 4% of his gross revenues for earlier and five-year films.

Glynn is accusing Moore of acting "blurry, intentional and unapologetic"[ing] in bad faith to deprive it of the benefits of the settlement agreement.

"His dishonorable intentions have become obvious from the beginning," said a petition filed Thursday by the New York Supreme Court in Glynn. "For example, by claiming to have discharged her obligations to Kathleen for the seven-month period from June 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014, Mr. Moore gave Kathleen two checks for a whopping $ 541 … this seven-month period was just $ 13,525. "

She adds that on Moore's personal tax returns, he reported a negative total income of $ 350,862 in 2014 and a negative total income of $ 221,025 in 2016.

The agreement provided that Moore and Glynn set the terms for the profit share, but they were not able to do so. In accordance with the agreement, they went to arbitration and, according to her, dragged on for years.

Saralee Evans, a retired judge from New York, became the arbitrator and proceedings were held last February. Moore and his ex-wife testified as did expert witnesses. But after the third day, hell broke out. Moore would not commit to continuing arbitration.

On March 30, Moore's attorney, Candyce Abbatt, wrote to the arbitrator in a motion to terminate the proceedings.

"I have never had, in my thirty-six years of law practice, such a chaotic and inappropriate procedure," she said in her letter. "After our departure on Saturday, February 17, 2018, my client was literally shaken with frustration."

According to Abbatt, Evans let Glynn's lawyer get away with frivolous objections and interruptions and sneers during Moore's testimony. She was also dismayed that the arbitrator compared Moore's expert witness, his long-standing transactional lawyer, Kenneth Weinrib, to Harvey Weinstein (who distributed most of Moore's films).

"This slanderous comment by the referee annoyed and thwarted the witness," Abbatt continued. "This interfered with his ability to respond to an interrogation and to present his expert testimony on behalf of Mr. Moore, which ignited an already busy hearing and served no judicial purpose."

In saying that arbitration had "degenerated into a free for all," Abbatt rejected everything. Or at least she asked him. The arbitrator dismissed the motion.

Bonnie Rabin, Glynn's lawyer, expresses doubts about Moore's motives.

She thinks Moore was unhappy with the way the procedure was going and decided to redo it.

"Moore decided that it was time to shop for another forum," writes Rabin.

On July 18, Mr. Moore went to the Michigan Court and asked for an order amending the settlement agreement and appointing another arbitrator. Glynn's lawyer says that there is no legal authority to do this and is now asking a New York judge to compel Moore to arbitrate.

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