Michael Moore drops David Hogg's microphone after asking Canadians to vote in US elections | Video


David Hogg, a gun control activist, joined activist Michael Moore in Canada for the premiere of his anti-Trump film "Fahrenheit 11/9".

"I have a question for you guys: who is ready to save America? Who is ready to make America the country we say is on paper and make it the country that 39 he wants to be? "Hogg asked the Canadian crowd. "I think the most important thing to realize, however, are the problems we face as a country, whether it's water in Flint, Michigan or the massive incarceration of people of color who can not vote. "

"In Florida, the number of African-Americans who can not vote because of an earlier conviction is 21%." In Kentucky, it's 26% .In Alabama, it's 15-16 These are people of color who have been historically discriminated against and are still to this day.

"Turn this shame into your vote!" Hogg said, waiting for a moment before adding: "If you are not Canadian."

"I think Canadians can donate to political campaigns in the US They can not, well, uh, vote here, learn from us, do not let that happen here, we'll have to come to you if we remain this track. "

About ten minutes later, Moore returns the microphone to Hogg, who noted that "Russia has used the NRA to give Trump $ 30 million."

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