Michael Moore on the bomber: The "threat of violence from the right" is normal


Moore was one of the people whose identity was on the pickup truck arrested on Friday morning.

Photocall Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 11/9, Rome Film Festival, Italy - Oct 20, 2018

Steve Bisgrove / REX / Shutterstock

After the arrest on Friday of the man suspected of sending dangerous packages to opponents of the government, Michael Moore unconsciously found himself in the story. Moore was one of several individuals whose portraits were on the outside of Cesar Sayoc's pickup truck, the arrested man.

In a statement, Moore seized the opportunity to link Sayoc's motivations, conservative media habits, and the upcoming mid-term elections.

Read Moore's full statement below:

The accused bomber stuck a picture of me on the side of his van, with a target on his face. In fact, the target is above my neck, which I will consider a minor concession on his part.

The threat of right-wing violence against personalities of the American left is not new. This is not an aberration. This is not a violation of standards. This is the norm. The Fox News television channel and Rupert Murdoch's right-wing radio have fallen prey to those who saw their American dream ignite and helped create a generation of angry and violent conspiracy theorists who will believe any lie perpetrated waves. These angry right-wingers were openly encouraged to act on these lies, even this very morning when Trump had tweeted his doubts about the fact that the bombs were not real.

Unfortunately, the new and dangerous dynamic of political violence in America is that it is now promoted and encouraged by the President of the United States.

We must send away all the facilitators of this man and the violent culture that he incites and nurtures. There are millions and millions of us who will never be intimidated, who will never back down and who will run on election day.

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