Michael Moore recalls first meeting Donald Trump – Watch


9:00 AM PDT 05/09/2018


Ciara McVey

"He manipulated the situation as a whole and then I realized that this guy was not a fool.He is really one of the great performance artists of our time", has declared the documentary maker.

When filmmaker Michael Moore met Donald Trump for the first time in 1998, they sat at the Tavern on the Green in New York, alongside Roseanne Barr, for an appearance in his ABC talk show. Roseanne's show.

"We did not know each other, we were going to be on the show, and when he saw that I was there, he got up to leave," Moore reminded The Hollywood Reporter.

Trump had published his infamous book The art of the case thanks to his documentary, Moore has earned a reputation for tackling big business. Roger and me.

"The producer of the show came to see me and said, 'Can you convince him to stay, please?' Just tell him you'll be nice to him, that you're not going to talk about his bankruptcy or his doubts, "Moore said.

"I felt bad … so I went to him and said," They told me you were worried. I just want you to know that you do not have to worry about it. Nothing will happen, promised. So he stayed and we did the show and I did not bring any political or financial elements that could have upset him.

Although the interview went well, it is only the Fahrenheit 11/9 The director saw Trump campaign for the president years later, he realized: "I had played".

"That's how it worked all his life. He knows how to create the environment, how to create the situation where I'm going to feel bad because he feels bad and that Roseanne is not going to do his show, so I'm going to do this job and he's manipulated the entire situation. I then realized that this guy is not a dummy. This guy is not stupid. He's really one of the great performance artists of our time, "he said.

Moore also clarified a rumor about Trump and himself: "He told Fox News that he and I had dined several times. I did not have dinner with him. I abandoned KFC a long time ago.

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