Michael Moore releases a video of Cesar Sayoc singing "CNN Sucks" at the Trump Rally


Filmmaker Michael Moore posted a video clip of César Sayoc, suspected of being a pipe suicide bomb, at a rally by President Donald Trump last year, apparently chanting "CNN fears" with a group of supporters of Trump.

The clip is an excerpt from Moore's current movie, "Fahrenheit 11/9".

It was shot in Melbourne, Florida, at the first rally for the re-election of Trump 2020, which was held just one month after the inauguration of Trump in 2017.

Moore stated that his instructions for the scene were do not to film Trump at the rally, but only the people in the crowd.

"I thought that after a month in power, we did not need to hear anything from Trump, we already knew everything we needed to know about him," Moore wrote Sunday. in a post Facebook accompanying the clip.

"What we needed to understand was our American compatriots, misguided souls full of anger and potential violence, who could easily feed a bunch of lies so big and so toxic that we wondered if it would be possible for us to can bring them back to the dark side. ," he said.

Sayoc, 56, was arrested on Friday for allegedly sending more than a dozen homemade bombs by mail to Democratic political figures and other Trump targets. The van in which he lived was covered with photos of Trump, pro-Trump slogans, CNN sucks and pictures of the faces of Trump's critics with a sharp line of sight.

"Needless to say, I was a little shaken to see that Sayoc had placed me with a picture, a target in sight, on the face of his van," Moore said in his message. Mr. Moore said that law enforcement officials were monitoring the sending of a homemade bomb, but "until now, everything is fine".

CNN offices in New York, a frequent target for Trump at rallies, were evacuated last week after a Sayoc bomb. CNN President Jeff Zucker said Trump and his administration "should understand that their words matter."

Men like Sayoc, said Moore in his message, "have been informed by Trump that they were at war … against the rest of us, the vast majority who believe that climate change is real which unequivocally declares that women are equal citizens … and who demand that everyone has the right to vote easily, without interference. "

Today, we "are saddened by the latest loss of life this weekend in Pittsburgh," said Moore, referring to the 11 people killed by armed suspect Robert Bowers during an attack. antisemitic at the synagogue of the Tree of Life, Saturday.

He concluded that the "electoral tsunami of the voters that we will take to the polls" of November 6 "will end this madness".

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