Michael Moore reveals the release date of his Anti-Trump document


The controversial filmmaker, who viewed excerpts from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert," teamed up with director Tom Ortenberg to release "Fahrenheit 11/9".

Michael Moore announced the release date and showed footage of his upcoming documentary focused on President Donald Trump during his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on Thursday night.

Filmmaker Fahrenheit 9/11 revealed that the documentary will be released on September 21st and will confirm that its title will be Fahrenheit 11/9 echoing that of its previous film in 2004

Veteran director Tom Ortenberg, who resigned as CEO of Open Road Films last November, is considering starting a new company and partnering with Moore to publish Fahrenheit 11 / 9 as a pre-launch project. The distribution of this new film will mark a recovery for Moore and Ortenberg, since Ortenberg was at Lionsgate when this company published Fahrenheit 9/11 which remains the most profitable document of all time with 222 million dollars of global recipes, Sicko

Although the director said that he "can not reveal too much right now" on the documentary, he showed images in which he tries to 39; enter. in Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, or as he told someone while he was trying to enter, the "Southern White House". It is shown to be guarded by an iron door at a door as the camera zooms in to see who is inside. "Tell him it's me," said Moore to a doorman.

The images echo his documentary of 1989, Roger & Me which establishes the reputation of the director with his scenes where he visits the general. The headquarters of Motors in an attempt to meet its CEO Roger B. Smith.

According to an official synopsis of the new film, "Michael Moore Fahrenheit 11/9 is a provocative and comical look at the times in We will explore the two most important issues of the Trump era: How did we get here, and how do the f ** k come out? It's the movie to see before it's too late. "

After Broadcasting Images, Colbert asked Moore what he thought of calls for "civility" following an occasion when press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders was expelled from Red Hen's restaurant because she was working for Trump. Moore said, "Our side is giving in ceaselessly" and said Democrats must resist but be "non-violent". He added, however, "We are not talking about political differences, we are talking about thousands of children separated from their parents and put in prison … It's madness, it's not who we are, is not it? " he asked, to the cheering of the audience.

When asked if he had the hope of a political change, rather than just the confrontation, Moore admitted that he's crying all the days reading the news. After adding, "the only way we are going to stop this is that we are going to have to put our bodies on the line," he said that the reason he makes movies, is that he " think that there is a chance. "

Another clue to what Trump might expect in the documentary last month, the filmmaker pitched a warning to the president and actress Roseanne Barr, tweeting a vintage snippet of an episode of the talk show from Barr, Show in which Moore appeared with both. In the clip, Trump congratulated Moore on his film, Roger & Me also jokingly saying, "I hope you will not ever make one."

" I know Roseanne and I know Trump. they're about to regret the day they've known me … "Moore warned.The tweet followed a previous post in which Moore wrote:" So @therealroseanne woke up this morning and has published hateful and slanderous tweets about me, Valerie Jarrett, George Soros and Chelsea Clinton – and ABC has sent it back. started his racist birther movement in 2011, he would not be in the White House today. "

Moore announced last year that he planned to create a documentary centered on Trump and his presidency entitled, Fahrenheit 11/9 .The new documentary refers to the date to which Trump actually became the elected president in 2016.

This film was officially announced at the Cannes Film Festival in 2017, when Harvey and Bob Weinstein declared that they had personally purchased worldwide rights under the Fellowship Adventure Group, as they launched the film to potential distributors.While it was originally planned for a potential release in the summer of 2017, Moore turned his attention rather to his Broadway show, The terms of my surrender which had a twelve week run.

But according to sources with knowledge of the project, this new Fahrenheit 11/9 has no connection with the pr yield or project announced Weinstein.

Gregg Kilday contributed to this report.

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