Michael Moore Slams Nancy Pelosi for 'Predicting' Democrats Will Win Midterm Elections


Despite accurately predicting the 2016 presidential election, Michael Moore does not necessarily think it's a smart idea for people to go around town shouting their midterm election predictions from the rooftops, especially members of the Democratic Party.

The award-winning director criticized Democrats for prematurely calling a midterm sweep ahead of Election Day Late Night With Seth Meyers on Thursday. "I'm not gonna make the mistake that a couple nights ago," Moore said.

"A Democrat who just automatically announced, 'We're gonna win.' And it's like, my God that's what happened in 2016. Everybody was throwing the party for Hillary [Clinton] before the election, and I think some people Even The New York Times "It's still going to be a 15 percent chance today of Trump winning the presidency," he continued.

Although he did not mention his name, Meyers was definitely referring to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who quite vehemently forecasted a Democratic win when she appeared on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Wednesday. "Up until today, I would say, if the election were held today, we would win," she said. "Now what I'm saying is we will win."

Considering the amount of nonvoters in the U.S.-which Moore claimed to be the nation's "largest political party" -the Fahrenheit 11/9 The director did not think it was appropriate to proclaim a Democratic win for the House of Republicans and the Senate ahead of Tuesday's midterm election, but rather suggested for politicians to focus on getting out of the house and to the ballot boxes.

"You gotta quit this kind of predicting nonsense and just do your job as a citizen. Everybody's gotta get off the bench this time. We can not get another time, "he said. "I heard Steve Bannon lay out his blueprint of how they think they're going to win on Tuesday and they think they're gonna keep the House by one seat. And anybody who does not trust that, please remember that Donald Trump outsmarted us. He is outsmarted us in 2016 and won the White House by losing the election. That takes a certain kind of evil genius to figure that out. "

Republicans pulled out all the stops to succeed. "Do not think for a second time in the House and the Senate. They are good at what they do and they should respect the fact that they are able to get away with this, "he said.

"They got away with it with [Al] Gore when he won, and we did not do anything about it. They got along with Hillary when she won, we do not do anything about, "he continued. "They know us. They know we're busy, and we've got other things to do, but they are fanatical about this because they know their time is up, this sort of angry white guy. "

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