Michael Moore tells' Fahrenheit 11/9 & # 39; D.C. Audience: "We are all accomplices"


11:48 AM PDT 20/09/2018


Adrienne Wichard-Edds

The filmmaker presented his new film, "Fahrenheit 11/9", in the country's capital, where he urged audiences to go out and vote.

Michael Moore brought his documentary Fahrenheit 11/9 in Washington, DC, Monday night, to welcome fans, answer questions and suggest ways forward, talk so long to reporters and members of the public that he has extended the first two hours for an event of nearly four hours.

The film takes a scathing look at American politics and culture in the two years since Trump's election – and spares no offender on either side of the corridor. The packed hall of Uptown's historic D.C. Theater – where, he said, he watched movie premieres during his stay in Washington to write Roger and me – was filled with nearly 700 people.

In the film, Moore tackles injustice around the world, opposing people whose voices have not been heard – especially in his hometown of Flint, Michigan. The film also lingers on the Democratic National Committee, while voters in West Virginia are visibly devastated when their votes for Bernie Sanders were counted instead of Hillary Clinton. It illuminates the political corruption that leads to a nation that stays at home rather than voting in an election when it feels it can not tell the difference.

With his new film, Moore also plunges into Trump's ascendancy, which he calls "the evil genius who thwarted the smartest person to run for president," even suggesting that Gwen could be blamed. Stefani, but in the end the real culprit is the American public.

"Politicians are no different from us Who in this room did not make a decision at some point in your life because of the money You got a job What a man here in his life did not see the boss … sexually harass a woman at work and turn her head because the other choice was to lose her job and lose her money? "Moore posed rhetorical questions during a meeting. Q & A with Nell Minnow, Washington film critic and deputy editor of RogerEbert.com. Moore had also promised that a "special guest" would appear – Senator Bernie Sanders – but he did not, his absence being imputed to a Senate vote.

Politicians, said Moore, are a reflection of the people they serve. You want better politicians? Raising our standards not only for them, but for ourselves. "We all have to stop turning when we see a woman being abused, we all have to start making decisions that are not based on money but on what is right, and that may require a sacrifice … but in the end we will have a better society, "he said.

The filmmaker highlighted the apathy that allowed Trump to win the elections – like the 90,000 Michigan voters who voted for a full Democrat ticket, but left blank the first box, the president's.

Moore even admitted his apathy: "I abandoned the DCCC in '16 because I was trying to understand how to contribute to Hillary [in addition to] just give him some money. And I thought, "You know, Trump's skin is so thin that he just slips the comedy under his thin skin and he's going to implode, live on TV. So I called Amy Schumer, Chris Rock and Bill Maher and I said, "Can we form a satire league of justice to help Hillary? We will not tell anyone. we'll just write stuff and submit it. They all said, "Yes, we came in. And when I contacted the campaign, I was answered in one day but no thank you. "Too dangerous, too risky; this comedian is dirty, this comedian has this problem, that one is … ooooh no. & # 39; And I thought: "Wow … they refuse, who else they refuse?" They were so convinced that they had this election in the bag. "

If the audience draws a lesson from this movie, Moore hopes that "Trump did not fall from the sky.Trump, it's us.Trump only exists because we allow him to". New York is 40 years old to get rid of Trump … but what did the New York press do to Trump when they saw it breaking the law, when they got it? saw discriminating, when they saw him treating women as he treated them? [The press] He looked hijacked because he was entertaining, it was tabloid stuff and we loved having the Donald. And now, look what we have. We are all complicit in this and we must all share some of this responsibility for what we have and we must all act in the next 50 days. "

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