Michael Moore unveils the video of the bomb suspect Cesar Sayoc at the Trump Rally


3:28 pm PDT 10/28/2018


Gregg Kilday

The director of "Fahrenheit 11/9" compares Cesar Sayoc to "a lost dog without direction".

Despite "a Hulk-like exterior", Cesar Sayoc, the Florida man accused of sending 14 bombs to President Trump's political opponents, was "a lost dog without direction," wrote Michael Moore in a statement. Post Instagram posted Sunday in which he revealed images. his crew shot of a February 2017 rally organized by Trump in Melbourne, Florida, in which Sayoc can be seen as part of an angry crowd chanting "CNN, c & # 39; is zero!"

Although the raw footage of three minutes and 38 seconds is not part of Moore's current film, Fahrenheit 11/9Moore – himself photographed with a cross on Sayoc's rifle – on the cross of his rifle, posted the video on YouTube Sunday "if only to give you a momentary glimpse of him in action".

In his Instagram post, Moore explained that he had sent a crew including producer Basel Hamden and long-time collaborator Eric Weinrib to the rally, which took place the month following the inauguration of Trump, not to film Trump himself, but to record images of the crowd that he attracts. to understand "our American compatriots, lost souls full of anger and possible violence, easily fed a bunch of lies so big and so toxic that we wondered if there would be a chance we can bring them back to the dark side. "

As the camera spins through the crowd to launch media invectives, Sayoc, holding a CNN sucks sign, is briefly seen four times. "If you stop on him, you'll see something deep," Moore writes, "the fear in his eyes."

Sayoc, he continues, belongs to a group of men "who have been led to believe, [they] Hillary and Michelle, as well as all those "feminazis" who had only one mission: political castration. The patriarchy's power robbery in place for 10,000 years. (Watch the video below, Sayoc appears at marks 0:42, 1:34, 1:44 and 3:15.)

Moore continues, "Trump told them that they were at war – WAR! – against the rest of us, the vast majority who believe that climate change is real, who states unequivocally that women are equal citizens with the absolute right to control their own reproductive organs, who have understood to how free enterprise is a hoax designed to destroy the middle class and demand that everyone has the right to vote easily and without interference. Cesar and his brothers ARE at war, against all this, against us, the majority, and they are at war inside and against themselves. That 's why they will lose, but not before taking a few of us with them. "

The filmmaker, who claims to be no stranger to the threats, admits that he was "a little shaken" to see his face among those tacked on Sayoc's van and that the authorities have sought to find out if a parcel had been sent to him by post. Until now, no one has been discovered.

Moore concludes: "Today, we regret the latest loss of life this weekend in Pittsburgh. As was the case when fascism began to spread in the last century, it begins with only a few thugs who commit random acts of violence against people whom their leader told them to hate. However, whatever the terrible events that await us in the days or weeks to come, we will not be dissuaded from our singular mission: the electoral tsunami of the voters that we will carry to the polls on November 6 to put an end to this madness . "

In a previous statement released on Friday, Moore highlighted the Trump and Fox News networks for creating an atmosphere of right-wing violence, saying, "Unfortunately, the new and dangerous dynamic of political violence in America is to promote and encourage by the President of the United States. We must send away all the facilitators of this man and the violent culture that he incites and nurtures. There are millions and millions of us who will never be intimidated, who will never back down and who will run on election day. "

Read Moore's full article below.

My crew met for the first time Cesar Sayoc, the terrorist-terrorist, 20 months ago, when we traveled to Melbourne, Florida, to film Trump's first Rally 2020 Re-election Rump. only months after his investiture. My direction to my producer, Basel Hamdan and our long-time collaborator, Eric Weinrib, was NOT to film Trump, but only to film the people who came to see him. After a month in office, we did not need to hear anything else from Trump's mouth. We already knew everything we needed to know about him. What we needed to understand was our American compatriots, lost souls full of anger and potential violence, who could easily feed a bunch of lies so big and so toxic that we wondered if it would be possible for us to can bring them back to the dark side. Our images of Mr. Sayoc would never appear in the final montage of what would be the film that is now in its last week in cinemas across America. But I would like to share it with you, if only to give you a glimpse of it in action (all are free to use this video and share it). You've seen pictures of him on the news over the past two days – a light, normal, American everyday. But these are from before. Here, with our images, I can show you what he had actually become – an overdose of steroids in what appears to be a desperate attempt to cling to what was left of his manhood. Men, such as Caesar, have been led to believe, have been and still are attacked by Hillary, Michelle and all those "feminazis" who have had one mission: political castration. The patriarchy's power robbery in place for 10,000 years. The end of men …[1/3]

An article shared by Michael Moore (@michaelfmoore) on

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