Michael Sussmann, Hillary Clinton's lawyer, handed over an FBI Russia intervention document


A lawyer linked to the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign sent the FBI's attorney general reports of Russian election interferences during the 2016 presidential campaign, according to a report. published Thursday.

James Baker, who was previously the FBI's chief attorney, informed congressional investigators about this exchange during a closed-door hearing on Wednesday, the Daily Caller reported.

Mr. Baker said he received the documents as well as computer storage devices on the Russian hacking of Michael Sussmann, a lawyer at Perkins Coie.

In his testimony before a joint session of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees, Mr. Baker stated that Mr. Sussmann had approached him. The contact was made before the FBI and the Justice Department sought a warrant under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act for the key character of the Trump campaign, Carter Page, according to the Daily Caller's report.

Mr. Baker was instrumental in securing mandates for Mr. Page.

Mr. Baker reportedly told legislators that it was unusual for Mr. Sussmann to contact him and that this only happened once.

Following the release of the Daily Caller report, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Mark Meadows, Republican of North Carolina, said that Mr. Baker's testimony was "explosive."

"Some of the things shared were explosive in nature," Meadows said in an interview with Fox News. "The witness confirmed that things had been done abnormally. It is extremely disturbing.

Perkins Coie played a key role in the funding of the anti-Trump Salacious File established by the opposition firm Fusion GPS. In April 2016, Perkins Coie teamed Fusion GPS with the DNC campaign and the Clinton campaign for file compilation, which was shared with the FBI in the same year.

A spokesman for Perkins Coie issued a statement claiming that Mr. Sussmann was working at the Ministry of Justice as a cybercrime prosecutor for the Democratic and Republican administrations and that he was regularly hired by clients to deal with cybersecurity problems.

"When Sussmann met with Mr. Baker on behalf of a client, this was related to the representation of the Hillary Clinton campaign firm, the DNC or any client of the political law group," the statement said.

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