Michelle Obama gathers voters in Las Vegas, warns against apathy


Former First Lady Michelle Obama speaks at a rally for the national week of action at When We All Vote at Chaparral High School in Las Vegas. Obama is the founder and co-chair of the organization, which aims to help people register and vote. Early voting for the 2018 mid-term elections in Nevada begins Oct. 20. (Ethan Miller / Getty Images)

Michelle Obama embarked on Sunday in the tumult of the November mid-term elections, calling on citizens to vote, even if they were busy, discouraged or out of touch.

"Our vote counts. That's always the case, "she said. "But only if we use this vote."

At the head of its first rally for When We All Vote, the non-profit initiative it launched in July, Obama expressed disappointment at the political moment and criticized efforts to remove the vote. making it more difficult to register or vote.

"Believe me, I am also frustrated," Obama told a crowd that has repeatedly shown himself comfortable to encourage his return to the political scene. "I'm fed up with all the chaos and wickedness of our politics. It's exhausting and, frankly, it's depressing. I understand that I want to close everything.

"But here's the problem," she added. "Although some people are frustrated, out of the way and staying home on election day, believe me, there are other people coming in. Democracy continues with or without you.

The Obama event was his first big foray into a busy season that marks his return to the public eye 21 months after he left the White House. On November 13, she launched her "Becoming" memoir in Chicago and began a national arena tour.

She plans to travel to Miami for a similar rally on Friday, closing a week of events for artists, athletes and celebrities recruited for her new cause. Among them are NBA star Chris Paul and actor Tom Hanks, as well as singer Faith Hill, who will lead the meeting on Monday in Nashville. According to Obama, the long-term and non-partisan goal is to change the voting culture.

When We All Vote, conceived this year with the help of a small team of advisers, addresses the issues of low participation that Obama has long discussed during the election campaign, although serving the Democratic candidates. In 2014, in the last mid-term elections, only 36% of eligible voters voted, the lowest voter turnout since 1942, according to the US election project.

The organization pays special attention to demographic groups that tend to be less numerous, especially African-Americans, Hispanics and young people. Kyle Lierman, an Obama administration veteran who leads the effort, said, "We can make sure we double our efforts and reach them, but we are really trying to reach all Americans."

The organization faces skepticism in some Republican neighborhoods.

"It's as far as possible from impartiality," said Keith Schipper, spokesman for Republican candidate for the re-election of Republican Senator Dean Heller, Jacky Rosen (D). "It's nothing more than a gradual voter registration campaign designed to boost Jacky Rosen's campaign."

Two Democratic advisory campaigns have indicated that Obama's presence could help their candidates even if it does not talk about party politics. Democrats have a record advantage in Nevada.

Democratic congressional candidate Susie Lee worked for the crowd in Las Vegas. "Let's do that, let's bring back our democracy!", She said while a supporter was asking for a selfie.

She said she was delighted that Obama chose Las Vegas: "Michelle came here and urged people to pledge to vote, and that's all about the democracy.

Obama and his team use the contacts and marketing techniques they've developed at the White House to reach adults who have not registered and those who vote only sporadically, if at all. They rely on celebrities and athletes who follow mainstream social media and use short Obama Internet videos about the importance of voting.

"That's my generation. It's important to be able to communicate with them in a way that they understand, "said singer Janelle Monáe, who will participate in a polling rally at Spelman College in Atlanta on Thursday. "I do not think we can afford to stay home and not vote right away."

At last count, When We All Vote had 10 paid employees, money from "foundations and people who have supported Obama and are concerned about voting," said Lierman. "There are thousands of people who try every day to sign people up and make sure they're going to vote. It is our duty to facilitate their work to 10%. "

The campaign relies on partnerships, including one with the Lyft carpool company, which will encourage drivers to sign up and include a note on all receipts asking passengers if they are registered, Lierman said. He described business speech in this way: "You have incredible reach, you engage millions of people. Let's use your platform and join them to make sure they're ready to vote.

Although the principle of "We are all supporters" is officially non-partisan – Obama said that she was not there "to tell anyone how to vote" – the gymnasium of Chaparral High School was filled with 2 600 fans and had the feeling of a campaign event.

Taking the stage with a T-shirt that read, "Vote is my superpower," comedian Keegan Michael Key put the crowd at his feet. After urging everyone to send a code to a When We All Vote issue, he gave instructions: "Turn your anger on and, more importantly, your friends, turn your passion, turn your hope into action."

Lastly, Obama made harsh words for politicians and outside groups who close polling stations or force voters to produce sometimes difficult to obtain pieces of identification. She said "it's happening now everywhere".

"They find all kinds of ways to keep you at home, hoping that when you hear about it, you'll just give up," she said. "Do not let anyone intimidate you by participating in this process."

Twenty-three minutes after his speech, someone called from the back of the room, "Run for the presidency," causing the longest and loudest cheers of the night. It has not been clear if Obama, who has repeatedly said that she will not show up, has heard the remark. She resumed her remarks by saying, "You know, we need you, guys.

The crowd then drowned with a song: "We need YOU! We need you."

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