Michelle Obama helps a Chicago couple exchange her wedding vows


That's what friends are for! Michelle obama helped a lucky couple to exchange their wedding vows at their ceremony in Chicago on Saturday, September 22nd.

Although she did not officiate the marriage, Obama, 54, helped Stephanie Rivkin and Joel Sircus make their wedding official by directing them in their "I do!" at the theater on the lake.

According to the wedding announcement of the pair The New York Times, the blushing bride – who is responsible for commercial accounts at Google – is the daughter of the deputy mayor of the city Robert S. Rivkin. His mother, Cindy S. Moelis, serves as president of Penny Pritzker Chicago-based charity, Pritzker Traubert Foundation. (Penny Pritzker was Secretary of Commerce in the Obama administration.)

The groom, meanwhile, works as an investment partner at DNS Capital in Chicago. DNS is the family investment office for Michael Pucker and Gigi Pritzker. The newlyweds met while attending the Walter Payton Middle School Preparatory High School.

the To become author and her husband, Barack Obama, have strong links with the windy city. Among other things, Michelle was born in Chicago in 1964 and Barack, 57, was US Senator from Illinois from 2005 to 2008.

The couple also raised their children in Chicago until the year 2009, when Barack was sworn in as the 44th President of the United States.

Michelle, meanwhile, is about to embark on a new adventure: a much-anticipated book tour in the stadiums. The lawyer announced the exciting news earlier this month in a video posted on his Instagram account.

"Hey everyone, it's Michelle Obama … It's a great day for me because I finished my book … I can not wait to share it with the world," she said in the clip . "During this period when I came out of the White House, I had the time to think and reflect for the first time in a long time and I really thought about people and stories and about experiences that have taken place. I have trained and helped me become the person I am today and I am proud of what I have created. I'm proud because it's candid, it's totally and completely me. So I'm a little scared because it's straightforward and honest and open, but I can not wait to share it with the world.

Michelle also revealed with legend that she was enthusiastic about sharing intimate stories with fans during the tour that begins Nov. 13 in Chicago.

"This fall, I would like to share this more complete story with you all on my book tour," she said. "It's the story of my simple banality, my little victories, my lasting bruises, my hopes and my ordinary worries. It's the story of who I am, really, and I'm so proud of – imperfections and everything.

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