Michelle Obama rejects Eric Holder's "Republican" remark


Michelle Obama maintained her positive political philosophy on Thursday, rejecting former Attorney General Eric Holder's remark that Democrats should "kick them" when Republicans go "down."

"Fear is not an appropriate motivator. Hope wins out. If you think about how you want your children to grow up, to life and their possibilities, do you want them to be afraid of their neighbors? Do you want them to be angry? Do you want them to be avengers? 'Said the former first lady on the show' Today '.

"At this point, you have to think about what you say to your daughters. What motto do you want them to adopt?

Holder had echoed Hillary Clinton's remark earlier this week when she called on Democrats to reject civility when they were dealing with Republicans as a result of the GOP's lack of civility.

Michelle always says, "When they go low, we go high," Holder said Sunday at a campaign event in Georgia.

"No. When they go down, we kick them," he added to the applause.

Holder and Clinton's remarks came after the extremely partisan feud against Trump's Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh, who was confirmed despite accusations of sexual misconduct against high school students and students.

Trump rejected the accusations, calling them a "hoax" prepared by the Democrats to derail his candidate, who categorically denied the accusations.

He also mocked an accuser, Christine Blasey Ford, a university professor in California, at one of his MAGA rallies.

Asked about the "#MeToo" movement, Michelle Obama said it shows how "dangerous the world is" for women and girls.

"I'm surprised how much everything has changed, but how much has not changed. The world is unfortunately a dangerous place for women and girls, "she added.

"And I think young women are tired of it. They are tired of being undervalued. They are tired of being ignored. "

Trump had also repeatedly lamented that American men accused of sexual assault were considered unfairly guilty until proven innocent, revealing remarks that Obama said was a predictable reaction to the move.

"That's what happens with change. Change is not a straightforward and smooth path. There will be bumps and resistance. There is a status quo with respect to how women have been treated, what their expectations are in this society and how it is evolving, "she said.

"There will be a bit of upheaval, a little embarrassment, but I think it's up to the women to say," Sorry. Sorry to feel uncomfortable, but I'm setting the stage for the next generation. "

Trump, who in February 2016 had urged his supporters to "knock out" the rowdy, condemned Holder's remarks.

"He'd better be careful what he wants," Trump told Fox News on Thursday. "It's a disgusting statement to make."

The incumbent was Attorney General under President Barack Obama from February 2009 to April 2015.

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