Michelle Obama surprises her guests by organizing a wedding for a Chicago couple


The former first lady led the couple in their vows.

The guests at a wedding in Chicago had a big surprise when they introduced themselves and saw the person officiating the wedding – none other than Michelle Obama.

The former First Lady helped Stephanie Rivkin and Joel Sircus make their vows at a ceremony at Theater on the Lake. USA today reported. The moment was shared by Tina Newman, whose cousin was the bride.

"Holy Moly," writes Newman in his Instagram story. "That moment Michelle Obama officiated at your cousin's wedding!"

The video shows Michelle Obama at the head of the bride in her vows. The former First Lady wore a long-sleeved black dress on the outside.

Since she left office and spent the first few months away from the spotlight, Michelle Obama began to make herself known with a series of appearances. She is currently on a reading tour and sells large arenas, Weekly entertainment it's noted.

This comes despite a high price for premium seats, the report adds.

"The tickets to see the 54-year-old at the New York Arena bring in $ 1,256 for some upscale seats and $ 3,000 for a special meet and greet package. Those looking to pay less can opt for the more modest top-level seats ($ 29.50).

Michelle Obama has also become more politically active, joining her husband in the election campaign to encourage the participation of Democratic voters in the upcoming mid-term critical elections. As NBC News noted, she teamed up with 20 African-American organizations for the When We All Vote project, which encourages voter registration and voting.

"The truth is that when we stay at home, things stay the same, or they get worse," Obama said in a public message. "But when we all vote, we get new ideas and new energies. We have leaders who share our values ​​and listen to our voices. That's how we change America. "

Barack Obama has also campaigned for Democratic candidates at some key races, while targeting President Donald Trump, which he had never done before. Barack and Michelle Obama both remain popular with Democratic voters.

Although this weekend's wedding guests were surprised to see Michelle Obama officiating at the ceremony, it was not unusual given the circumstances. As the wedding announcement in the New York TimesThe bride is the daughter of Chicago Deputy Mayor Robert S. Rivkin.

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