Michelle Yeoh in Talks for Star Trek: Discovery Spin-Off


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One of the most badass characters of Star Trek: Discovery could be getting her own show. Deadline has revealed that Michelle Yeoh is in talks with CBS to launch a Star Trek spin-off about her Discovery character, and we are so here for it.

Yeoh started her Discovery tenure playing Captain Philippa Georgiou, who perished in Episode 2, “The Battle Between the Binary Stars.” Yeoh returned to the series for the second half of the season as Emperor Georgiou, the mirror universe equivalent of her original character. The new incarnation carried the same affinity for Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) but was ruthless when it came down to taking down her enemies. Unable to see her mentor die twice, Burnham stowed the emperor back to her original universe. Season 2 will pick up with Emperor Georgiou pretending to be her doppelgänger and joining Section 31 — the semi-secret and autonomous organization first introduced onStar Trek: Deep Space Nine in the ’90s.

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According to Deadline, the stand-alone series would “likely” be a continuation of the Section 31 storyline and do a deeper dive on Georgiou’s adventures within Section 31. It is also just one of many potential Trek spin-offs in the pipeline. All Access is already working on a Piccard Trek series, which will see Patrick Stewart return to his iconic role. Discovery showrunner and executive producer Alex Kurtzman signed an overall deal with CBS Studios this summer, which means he’s on tap to develop as many Trek series as he can think of.

“My goal is that there should be a Star Trek something on all the time on All Access,” David Stapf, head of CBS TV Studios told Deadline in August.

If we’re going to get stuff as exciting as more Piccard and more Georgiou, keep the Trek coming!

Star Trek: Discovery returns Thursday, Jan. 17 on CBS All Access.

(Full disclosure: TV Guide is owned by CBS.)

Michelle Yeoh, <em>Star Trek: Discovery</em>” width=”2070″ height=”1380″ title=”Michelle Yeoh, Star Trek: Discovery​”/><span class=Michelle Yeoh, Star Trek: Discovery

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