Michigan native Ted Nugent calls state to 'California s *** hole' after election


(WXYZ) – Michigan 's own Ted Nugent is not very happy with the state after Michiganders feels several Democrats to the state' s highest offices in the midterm elections.

In a post on Wednesday morning, the singer called Michigan has "California s *** hole."

"Real God country family Michiganiacs are heartbroken that we want the oozes great state of Michigan to turn into a California s *** hole." Downright insane cultural suicide.

Nugent is an outspoken Conservative and supporter of President Donald Trump. Michiganders elected Democrats Gretchen Whitmer for governor, Jocelyn Benson for secretary of state, Dana Nessel for attorney general and also flipped two Republican congressional seats elected Elissa Slotkin and Haley Stevens.

He previously joined President Trump during a rally in 2016, and also called the survivors of the Parkland, Fla. mass shooting "liars" and "soulless" in an interview.

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