Microsoft, SAP and Adobe Adopt Salesforce with New Open Data Initiative for Customer Data – TechCrunch


Microsoft, SAP and Adobe announced today a new partnership: Open Data Initiative. This alliance, which is a clear attack on Salesforce, aims to create a single data model for consumer data that is then portable across platforms. According to the companies, this will provide more transparency and control of confidentiality to consumers, but the basic idea is to facilitate the transfer of data from their customers.

This data can be standard CRM data, but also information about purchasing behavior and other customer information. At the moment, moving these data between platforms is often difficult, since there is no standard method for structuring it. This is obviously what these companies can do with their data, and in the age of machine learning, data is everything.

"We want it to be an open framework," Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in his opening address at the annual Ignite conference. "We are very excited about the potential of what really puts customers in control of their own data for our entire industry," he added.

The exact details of how this should work are a little vague right now. Unsurprisingly, Adobe plans to use this model for its customer experience platform, while Microsoft will integrate it into its Dynamics 365 CRM service and SAP will also support it on its Hana database platform. its CRM platforms. Below all this is a unique data model and, of course, Microsoft Azure – at least on the Microsoft side.

"Adobe, Microsoft and SAP are teaming up to rethink the customer experience management category," said Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen. "Together, we will enable organizations to leverage and leverage massive amounts of customer data to deliver large-scale, personalized, real-time customer experiences."

Together, these three companies feel they are taking on the Salesforce challenge in the CRM market and creating a new standard. SAP, in particular, has put a lot of emphasis on the CRM market in recent times and, while growing fast, it is still far behind Salesforce.

more coverage of Microsoft Ignite 2018

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