Microsoft will sell artificial intelligence technology to the Pentagon


On Friday, Microsoft announced plans to sell artificial intelligence and other advanced technology needed by the military and intelligence agencies to bolster defense, the New York Times reported.

Microsoft's decision, which was announced Thursday by the Times in a meeting of the same kind, contrasts with the decision of its competitor Google, which announced that it would not sell to the government a technology that could be used in the manufacture of # 39; weapons.

"Microsoft was born in the United States, is headquartered in the United States, and grew up with all the benefits that have existed for a long time in this country," said Brad Smith, Microsoft's general counsel, cited in the report.

The debate over the military AI within the US technology companies is taking place while the Pentagon is racing with the Chinese government to develop next-generation security technologies.

Technology business employees protested the involvement of their companies in military and federal law enforcement activities. For example, thousands of employees have signed a petition, and some have even resigned, after revelations that Google had sold artificial intelligence technology to the Pentagon to analyze images of drones.

Others, such as Oracle founder Larry Ellison and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, have expressed their support for the US military. In a recent interview, Oracle's founder, Larry Ellison, said about Google: "I think American tech companies that say we will not support the US military, do not will work on any technology helping our military, but traveling to China and facilitating government overseeing their people is quite shocking. "

Similarly, Amazon is considered the precursor of the cloud computing contract with the Pentagon. At the same time, Google has recently abandoned this offer, claiming that it would conflict with the values ​​of the company. As for Microsoft, he is also perceived as a serious candidate for this contract.

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