Mid-minute: Sheldon Adelson rains Republicans | American News


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Adelson invests more in GOP before mid-term

Billionaire Sheldon Adelson this week donated tens of millions of dollars to the two major Republican superpacs, the Senate Leadership Fund (SLF) and the Congressional Leadership Fund (CLF).

  • Will this to help Republicans ?: It certainly can not hurt. However, it is becoming less and less profitable to send money to the Super Pacs as the election approaches. Super Pacs can not coordinate directly with candidates and pay a premium for time spent on television.

The big fundraising quarter of Beto

The democratic Beto O'Rourke raised $ 38.1 million during the last quarter. This is a record for all candidates and will give enough money to flood the Texas airwaves with commercials in the coming weeks.

  • Does it do anything then? This will be very useful for the Democrats who vote. Even if O'Rourke is not likely to exceed goals, his power will help ensure that Democrats get seats in the House of Lone Star State.

"I'm going to stomp your face in the golf peaks"

Scott Wagner, the Republican governor of Pennsylvania, published a strange video Friday on Facebook, threatening his opponent, outgoing Democrat Tom Wolf. "Well, Governor Wolf, let me tell you what it's worth, before November 6, you put on a receiver mask because I'm going to trample your face with golf picks," said Wagner.

  • Is it real? Yes, that's it. Wagner is unhappy that Wolf refuses to debate him and the video, which lasts several minutes, also contains other criticism of him.

Poll of the day

In September, Democrat Phil Bredesen had a slim lead in the Tennessee Senate race against Republican Marsha Blackburn. Then Brett Kavanaugh arrived. Now, a new poll of the New York Times and Siena makes him lose 14 points from 54% to 40%.

  • So, will he lose? Probably, but the race has always been difficult for the Democrats. Tennessee is a deep red state. However, the former popular governor was their best candidate and gave the Democrats a chance until the Kavanaugh's fight energized the Republicans and refocused the race on national issues.

Announcement of the day

Outgoing Republican Mike Coffman faces a tough race in a district that Hillary Clinton won by almost 10 points. In a new advertisement, he explains how he prevented a four-year-old adopted child from being deported to Peru.

  • So he is not anti-immigration? No, Coffman is a moderate of immigration who has learned Spanish to better represent a diverse district where one in five residents is not born in the United States.

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