Migrant caravan members may foresee a "human rush" at US border: aid group


Some members of the caravan of migrants, who spent last month crossing Mexico from Central America to reach the US border, are talking about crossing the border en masse as a way to provoke the Trump administration, said a humanitarian group.

"They have this intention," Sergio Tamai, founder of Angels without Borders, a migrant migrant support group, told Telemundo, 20, San Diego.

At least 3,000 migrants have already arrived in Tijuana, a border town of San Diego, California, in the past two weeks. The federal government estimates that the number of migrants could reach 10,000 in the weeks or months to come.

Those already in the city have camped in tents, slept in mudflats or benches, or stayed in overcrowded shelters in the city waiting for their next steps.

But some are impatient and think that the best option is to plan a mass move.

"Most of us, yes, we want to be on the other side," said Jorge Molina, a Honduran migrant, in Telemundo. "Some want to jump over the wall, some other way and others want to wait to see what kind of response they get."


Border officials have already arrested dozens of migrants trying to cross the border illegally.

About 5,800 active soldiers deployed at the border to deal with the migrant crisis began returning home this week. On Monday, a judge banned the president from imposing a ban on asylum for those who illegally cross the US border – a decision that, according to the administration, would cause "innumerable illegal aliens in our country ".

Central American migrants are waiting for access to the Tijuana housing facility in Mexico on Tuesday, November 20, 2018. At least 3,000 migrants have arrived in Tijuana and the federal government estimates that the number migrants could reach 10,000 in the coming weeks and months. (AP Photo / Ramon Espinosa)

Central American migrants are waiting for access to the Tijuana housing facility in Mexico on Tuesday, November 20, 2018. At least 3,000 migrants have arrived in Tijuana and the federal government estimates that the number migrants could reach 10,000 in the coming weeks and months. (AP Photo / Ramon Espinosa)

The inhabitants of Tijuana did not fully adhere to the members of the caravan. Over the weekend, about 500 residents protested the migrants by heading to an outdoor sports complex where migrants were camped, demonstrators chanting: "Get out!" And "We do not want you here!"

While caravan members have concentrated in one part of the city, many residents fear that its presence will spread over time and that the crime rate will increase. Since 2016, thousands of Haitians who were also trying to visit the United States have eventually settled in the city, while Tijuana has hosted thousands of Mexicans deported from the United States.

Tijuana also fights against drug-related violence and some say that they do not want the caravan to pose more problems.

Officials said that they arrested 34 members of the caravan for drug possession, public drunkenness, disturbances of the peace and police resistance. They would then be deported to their country of origin.

The Mayor of Tijuana, Juan Manuel Gastelum, made it clear that the city was not happy with the migrants who had started arriving last week. He likened the Central American group to an unfavorable situation, with about 3,000 Haitians who ended up staying after their candidacy was successful. year.

The migrants, who are part of a caravan of migrants from Central America, leave Mexicali to travel to Tijuana, Mexico on Tuesday, November 20, 2018. The tension has settled while near 3,000 caravan migrants have poured into Tijuana in recent days, after more than a month late. road.

The migrants, who are part of a caravan of migrants from Central America, leave Mexicali to travel to Tijuana, Mexico on Tuesday, November 20, 2018. The tension has settled while near 3,000 caravan migrants have poured into Tijuana in recent days, after more than a month late. road.
(AP Photo / Rodrigo Abd)

"Haitians arrived with their papers, with a clear vision," Gastelum said in an interview published on the city's Facebook page. They came "in an orderly way, they never asked us for food or shelter," renting apartments and preparing to eat. He added that the Haitians had found a job and had "inserted into the economy of the city" and that they had not been involved in any disturbance.

On the other hand, said Gastelum, the caravan of the Central Americans, "suddenly arrived, with many people – not all … but many – who were aggressive and arrogant".

Tijuana city councilor Manuel Monárrez said a massive border would severely strain economic relations with the United States.

"A human rush would be an immediate provocation for the United States," Tijuana city councilor Manuel Monárrez told Telemundo. [President] Donald Trump will have an impact on the binational dynamics of the economy. "

The Associated Press contributed to this report

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