Migrant caravans continue to dump the US-Mexico border


BPatrol officers are apprehending an increasing number of migrant groups that include more than 100 people on the north side of the United States-Mexico border and have recorded two more incidents this week.

The total number of people found in large caravans wandering south Arizona in recent weeks is currently 1,200, according to the US Customs and Border Protection.

Officers based in Ajo Station in south-central Arizona found Tuesday afternoon a group of 164 people, including a hundred people in the desert north of the Mexican city of Sonoyta.

All members of the group were supported by federal law enforcement officers and identified as being from three Central American countries: El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. The members of the caravan were aged from 11 months to 59 years old.

Last week, smugglers invaded part of the Texas-Mexico border with 170 families and children from Central America, trying to overwhelm the US Border Patrol and admit adults who wanted to avoid being arrested. declaration.

[[[[Read also: ICE: 3 out of 10 illegal immigrant family units cut ankle bracelets after being released

Officials say that the use of these groups of 100 and 200 people has become the most recent way by which smugglers illegally move people into the country.

A border patrol officer based on the south-western border who asked to remain anonymous Washington Examiner Last week, the recent trend of caravans is "worrying" because the agency does not see it withdrawing anytime soon.

The official does not believe that these massive groups were traveling together across Mexico, unlike the caravan of 1,000 people from Central America who did so this spring. Instead, much smaller migrant groups went to the Mexican border towns and, once there, the smugglers formed a large group, then took them to the United States where they surrendered to the United States. federal order.

This week, DHS reported that 98 to 99 percent of the approximately 95,000 Central American "family units" apprehended in fiscal 2017 are still in the country.

"Smugglers and traffickers know our flaws well. The lack of legal tools creates pull factors that invite families to cross the border because they know that we will be forced by the courts to release them inside our country. Said DHS spokeswoman Katie Waldman. Washington Examiner.

The Flores Settlement Agreement and the Victims of Human Trafficking Protection Reauthorization Act require unaccompanied families and minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada not to be refused or arrested.

The continued increase in demand also poses a problem for border stations, which do not have the capacity to detain more than a few dozen illegal immigrants at the same time as they are being treated.

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