Migrant Crisis: EU Leaders Plan Safe Migrant Centers


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Safe centers for migrants can be installed in the EU states. Marathon at a summit in Brussels

Controlled centers would be set up by EU states on a voluntary basis and migrants whose claims would be rejected would be "fired".

Refugees could be resettled in EU states.

A hundred or so migrants reportedly drowned off the coast of Libya, 14 of which were reportedly saved, according to the Coast Guard.

They were found in waters east of the capital Tripoli.

details of countries that could set up security centers or host refugees, but French President Emmanuel Macron said the centers would be in countries where migrants arrived in the EU.

"We have found the right balance between responsibility and solidarity," he said.

The number of people illegally entering the EU has dropped 96% since their 2015 summit, according to the European Council.

Italy – the point of entry of thousands of migrants, mainly from Africa – had threatened to veto the entire summit agenda if it did not receive no help

"After this European summit, Europe is more responsible and more supportive," said Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte. "Today, Italy is no longer alone."

But German Chancellor Angela Merkel said that more needs to be done to resolve the disagreements.

Prisons for migrants

By Adam Fleming, BBC News, Brussels

Some elements stand out as victories for the new Italian prime minister. The conclusions of the summit now include a statement on the need for boats that take migrants in the Mediterranean to respect international law.

But the most important is the approval of the concept of closed and secure treatment facilities for migrants arriving in the EU. Some say that it will facilitate the removal of people whose asylum applications are rejected. Others already describe them as prisons.

This paragraph is full of warnings, commas and sub-clauses – all marks of something written in the middle of the night.

Another striking commitment is an ambitious partnership with Africa. It is the EU that is trying to balance its tough internal approach with an outward friendly approach, and offering incentives to North African countries to host facilities where migrants can be assessed for resettlement in Europe.

The 28 European leaders also agreed on several other measures:

  • strengthening external border controls and boosting funding for Turkey and North African countries
  • exploring the possibility of "flat regional forms of landing ". economic model gangs of people smugglers in dealing with refugees and migrants outside the EU. However, Morocco again rejected the idea
  • of domestic measures taken by member states to prevent migrants from moving within the EU, which according to the agreement, has undermined the asylum and border policy. Schengen travel area
  • more investment in Africa to help the continent achieve a "substantial socio-economic transformation" so that people do not leave for a better life
  • more work to reform the policy of EU asylum, including changes Dublin regulation under which migrants must be considered asylum seekers in the first safe country where they arrive

To whom does the asylum see? Does the agreement answer?

million. Conte had already taken the rare step of blocking the conclusions of the joint communiqué had solved the problem of migration. Italy and Greece want other countries to share the burden.

However, several central European states have so far rejected an EU program to displace 160,000 refugees from overcrowded camps in Greece and Italy.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel The issue of migration could be a defining moment for the EU – but it also needed the summit to avoid a political crisis in the country that could bring down its government.

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Interior Minister Horst Seehofer, from his partner in the Bavarian Coalition, the CSU, gave him a deadline of this weekend. He threatened to start refusing migrants who have already registered elsewhere in the border of his country of origin

Without the UHC, Merkel would lose her parliamentary majority.

S addressing reporters after the talks, she acknowledged There was still "a lot of work to be done to bring the different points of view together".

About 56,000 migrants arrived in Europe this year, according to the International Organization for Migration. More than a million people have arrived in 2015.

Tensions this month on migrants' rescue vessels banned from entering Italian ports – the last German charity ship Lifeline – have handed over the question under the spotlight of the EU. only allowed to dock in Malta after intense diplomacy between several EU states, who agreed to embark each of the migrants. Malta said Norway had also agreed to take a share.

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