Migrants weigh on staying in Mexico or going to the United States


On Wednesday, Central American migrants continued to look for a resting place in a stadium in Mexico City, where some 4,500 people still suspect their offer to stay in Mexico, while many wanted to reach the US border.

Officials in Mexico City said they expect 1,000 more to arrive at Jesus Martinez stadium because of the slow pace of caravans, as their journeys are slowed down by difficulties in getting around or boarding. deviated trucks.

Angel Eduardo Cubas, of La Ceiba, Honduras, reached the shelter Wednesday morning after being separated from the caravan. Like many migrants, he had to find his way back to the caravan in an unknown country without money.

"A lot of people have been dropped off somewhere else," said Cubas, who lost both his 2 and 6-year-olds before finding them. "It was ugly looking for children," said the 28-year-old father.

Members of migrant caravans, for whom President Donald Trump posed a central problem during the mid-term elections in the United States, refused to make an immediate decision Tuesday night on whether to maintain or maintain their stay in Mexico in the north, preferring to stay at least two days in the capital. .

"No one is in any hurry to leave (at the US border), but we have to go together," said Sara Rodriguez of Colon, Honduras.

Rodriguez, 34, fled his country with his 16-year-old daughter, Emily, after she began to draw unwanted attention from a drug trafficker who had just been released from prison. he was committed to pursuing it. Rodriguez left his 7 year old son with her husband in Honduras. "Even if it hurts to leave my son … I had to protect her," said Rodriguez crying.

Mexico offered visas for refuge, asylum or work to migrants and the government said 2,697 temporary visas had been issued to individuals and families to cover them while they were waiting. the 45-day application process to obtain a more permanent status.

Rina Valenzuela, a native of El Salvador, listened attentively to the nonprofit Institute's agents for immigrant women who explained the difficulties in applying for and obtaining asylum in the United States. Valenzuela decided she'd better seek refuge in Mexico.

"Why go fight there, with as much effort and as much suffering as we have suffered, just so that they push me back? Well, no," she said.

Hundreds of city employees and even more volunteers helped organize donations and guide migrants to food, water, diapers and other basic elements. Migrants searched through stacks of donated clothes, grabbed boxes of milk for children and lined up to quickly call home on a booth set up by the Red Cross.

Employees of the Capital Human Rights Commission registered newcomers with biographical data – such as age and country of origin – and placed yellow wrist bracelets on their wrists to accommodate the growing crowd.

Maria Yesenia Perez, 41, said that there was no space in the stadium when she and her 8 year old daughter arrived Tuesday night. The two men from Honduras slept in the grass on the outside. The migrants planted tents in the parking lot and built makeshift plywood shelters covered with blankets and tarpaulins. Forty portable toilets were scattered in the grass.

Several smaller groups trailed hundreds of miles to the south; officials estimated that about 7,000 people were in the country's caravans.

Trump described the caravan as a major threat, although such caravans have multiplied over the years and have largely gone unnoticed.

The former Honduran legislator Bartolo Fuentes, who denies the charges that he would have launched the caravan, described it as a natural response "to a situation more terrible than the war". He said that about 300 to 400 Hondurans left their country on an average day.

"What do we have here? The 20-day accumulation" of normal emigration, he said.

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