Mike Bloomberg is registered as a Democrat while he plans to run for the presidency


Mike Bloomberg is a democrat. Again.

Bloomberg tweet

The move is not a surprise. Bloomberg said it would disburse millions of dollars to support the Democrats as they were trying to win majorities in Congress in mid-term elections next month.

Earlier this month, a super PAC funded primarily by Bloomberg spent more than $ 2 million to support seven Democratic women seeking Republican overthrow in home races. This came after his promise to invest $ 80 million to support Democratic candidates in Congress this year. He also said that he would donate $ 20 million to a super PAC dedicated to the election of Democrats in the Senate.

While considering a race against President Donald Trump, Bloomberg has some work to do if he wants to appeal to the base of his new party. While Bloomberg, who had previously flirted with the idea of ​​running for president, has positioned himself as a socially progressive billionaire, a champion of gun control and environmental policy, he has taken positions that could do not please the basic democrats.

In a recent New York Times interview, he criticized the Liberals for pushing for aggressive regulatory policies targeting big business and big banks. Meaning. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, both considered potential candidates for the Democratic nomination in 2020, are popular among members of the party's base.

Bloomberg also defended the "stop and frisk" tactics once used by police in New York before a federal judge ruled that the policy was unconstitutionally enforced. Bloomberg shares common ground with Trump, who has called for his use in Chicago to reduce violent crime.

"Stop and search, it works," said the president earlier this week at a convention of police chiefs.

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