President Donald Trump says to be asleep by watching the speech of former President Barack Obama on the current political climate. (7 sept)

WASHINGTON – Vice President Mike Pence said on Sunday that he had never been involved in a conversation about President Donald Trump's dismissal, and said he would take a lie detector test "in the blink of an eye." eye "to prove that he had not written. the anonymous New York Times published last week.

Pence and Presidential Advisor Kellyanne Conway appeared on Sunday's political broadcasts to repel a series of stunning accusations about Trump that surfaced in the paper and excerpts from Bob Woodward's upcoming book.

"Anyone who has written this editorial, and the story that comes from other writings recently, just does not know what's really going on in this White House," said Pence on CBS's "Face the Nation." "The only thing wrong with this story is everything."

Pence denied an assertion in the opinion gallery that members of the administration secretly planned to invoke the 25th amendment to dismiss the president. The Vice President stated that he had never been involved in such a conversation.

More: Eight things to know about the 25th Amendment

"No. Never, and why, why would we be?" Pence said.

Pence is one of many White House officials who denied writing the editorial. He reiterated this statement, telling "Fox News Sunday" that he would take a lie detector test to prove it.

"I would agree to take it without hesitation and I will submit to any review by the administration," said Mr. Pence.

The Vice President stated that he was also convinced that his staff members had nothing to do with his fatherhood. Pence said that he had not asked his assistants because he did not need it.

"I'm 100% sure that no one in the Vice President's team was involved in this anonymous editorial," said Mr. Pence.

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