Among the news of Bob Woodward's upcoming book, US President Donald Trump and other White House officials criticized the journalist.

WASHINGTON – The photo Bob Woodward paints in his new book of a White House, where key collaborators engage in an "administrative coup" to block the most dangerous impulses of President Donald Trump, rarely includes his vice-president .

"As usual, (Vice President Mike) Pence was staying out," writes the Washington Post reporter. "Fear: Trump at the White House."

This particular observation was made about one of the attempts of economic counselor Gary Cohn to get help from Pence. Trying to prevent Trump from imposing tariffs on steel and aluminum, Cohn reminded Pence that no state would be harder than his native state, # 39; Indiana.

The state of Elkhart, the world capital of boats and recreational vehicles, would be the country that would consume the most manufactured goods, Cohn said.

"Do everything I can," Pence told Cohn, according to the book.

Bob Woodward on Donald Trump and "Fear": Is it time to be scared?

More: The release of Bob Woodward's book "Fear" on Trump White House is causing a sensation on the international stage

But Woodward writes that Pence's default mode is to do nothing that might make Trump tweet about him or call him an idiot.

"If he's advising Pence," Woodward adds, "Cohn would have done just that – stay out of this."

Pence seems to have done his best to stay out of Woodward's book.

Pence was also largely absent from Michael Wolff's "Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House".

"There has been little leakage on the Pence side of the White House," writes Wolff in his January book, which similarly describes a chaotic and dysfunctional administration.

Vice President Mike Pence described Bob Woodward's book as "a complete misunderstanding of how this White House works." (Photo: AP)

The few appearances that Pence makes in Woodward 's book are in scenes with others that have probably provided the details. For example:

On Sunday, Pence described Woodward's book as "a complete misunderstanding of how this White House works."

Trump called it "a joke … using anonymous and anonymous unproven sources".


President Donald Trump calls the book of journalist Bob Woodward a fictional book. (September 5th)

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