Mike Pence wants to double the claims of electoral interference in China


Vice President Mike Pence will speak on Thursday in the government's speeches on China, reiterating allegations that he will interfere in the upcoming elections to undermine President Trump and condemn Beijing's military presence in the China Sea. Southern.

"Frankly speaking, the leadership of President Trump works," said the vice president during a speech to the Hudson Institute, according to his remarks. "China wants a different American president."

Pence will say that China uses various measures, including propaganda, to influence the November mid-term elections. "Beijing has mobilized secret actors, front-line groups and propaganda media to change Americans' perceptions of Chinese politics," he said in the Washington speech. "As a senior member of our intelligence community, I have just told myself that what the Russians are doing is good compared to what Beijing is doing.

The United States and China engaged in an end-to-end tariff war, Trump inflicting $ 250 billion worth of Chinese goods. Beijing has fought back with its own tariffs on US products, focusing on agricultural products that are essential for the president's base in the Midwest.

"They specifically targeted industries and states that would play an important role in the 2018 elections," Pence said. "According to one estimate, more than 80 percent of US counties targeted by China voted for President Trump in 2016; now China wants to turn these voters against our administration. "

Trump accused China of interfering in the elections during a speech last week at the United Nations, saying: "They do not want me or our victory because I am the first president to to have challenged China in the field of trade ".

Pence also plans to condemn military actions in the South China Sea that have led the United States to accuse the Chinese Navy of "unsafe and unprofessional" actions after the destruction of a Chinese destroyer to less than 100 meters of an American warship Sunday.

"In spite of this inconsiderate harassment, the US Navy will continue to fly, sail and operate wherever international law permits and where our national interests demand it," Pence will say. "We will not be intimidated. we will not withdraw.

After the confrontation, the US Navy Fleet in the Pacific developed plans for a show of force to warn China not to threaten the US with military action and to discourage any future incidents, reported CNN Thursday.

The Pacific Fleet will conduct in November a series of operations that will include the dispatch of US warships and aircraft near Chinese territory into the South China Sea and into the Taiwan Strait in order to demonstrate the right of free passage in international waters.

With post son

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