Millions of Americans will be living the coldest Thanksgiving for over a century


Millions of people across the country are expected to live the biggest Thanksgiving holiday for over a century.

NBC News said Wednesday temperatures will reach a high of 29 degrees in Philadelphia on Thursday, while New York and Boston are expected to hit 26 and 21 degrees, respectively.

Depending on the point of sale, New York enjoyed its coldest Thanksgiving in history on November 30, 1871, when temperatures plummeted to 22 degrees.

NBC noted that Boston had its coldest Thanksgiving time in 1873, when the temperature had dropped to 19 degrees. The highest peak of Thanksgiving in Philadelphia occurred in 1901, when the temperature had reached only 28 degrees.

New York City is also expected to face winds of 15-25 km / h on the day of Turkey. The weather forecast could be problematic for the annual Thanksgiving parade, Macy's, organized by the city. The winds could lead to 16 giant balloons in the parade, according to NBC.

"We saw that it was going to be very cold and we had long customers and everything else before coming," NBC New York's Sarah Polson, a tourist visiting the city of South Carolina told the parade . "I hope we are ready."

Boston Mayor Marty Walsh said on Wednesday that he feared that some locals would not realize how cold it will be during Thanksgiving.

"I'm a little concerned about that, because I do not think people realize … It's Thanksgiving, so everyone knows it's going to be cold, but no one realizes that It's going to be so cold, "Walsh told NBC News.

"We think a little bit about the time it makes tomorrow more [is] like january weather as november weather ".

"So we ask people if you go to a football game and get dressed properly, go to sleep," Walsh said. "Make sure you cover your face, make sure you cover your hands, be careful when you're outside."

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