Minkah Fitzpatrick of Miami Dolphins – Ryan Fitzpatrick of Tampa Bay Buccaneers may have "FitzMagic" if desired


DAVIE, Fla. Minkah Fitzpatrick never expected a nickname to become a pseudo-vulgar.

Two days after the information that Fitzpatrick filed a trademark application with the US Patent and Trademark Office for "FitzMagic", he expressed his anger at the warriors who assaulted him came to that.

"If he wants the name, he can take it wherever he wants," said Minkah Fitzpatrick about Ryan Fitzpatrick, without any relationship. "He's a great football player … he wants it, contact me and my people and he can have it wherever he wants it."

Several people, probably convinced that Ryan Fitzpatrick was the real owner of "FitzMagic", began to take on him and his mother via social media. Minkah Fitzpatrick's mother responded with several tweets. It remains to be seen that the family made "FitzMagic" jerseys for Minkah while he was in Alabama.

"It upsets me a lot because it's my mother," Fitzpatrick said. "I do not really want her to be involved in anything that is directed at me, no matter who is going to protect her mothers, but she is very protective of me." errors where I had this type of game so I knew how to handle that.It never went through something like that.was a protective mother, doing what every mother would do and protecting her son . "

Minkah Fitzpatrick said that he was called "FitzMagic" for the first time before high school, and the nickname became public when someone wrote an article titling him while he was leaving high school. He wanted to take the "FitzMagic" mark during his stay in Alabama, but the NCAA rules prevented him from using his name for profit.

Visibly upset on Wednesday, Fitzpatrick said that he would use that as motivation. He removed his social media apps from his phone recently after the sheer amount of what he called "very useless comments directed against me and my family".

"It's not really adversity – just tweets, comments," said Fitzpatrick, the Dolphins' 11th pick in April. "Nothing compared to what my family and I have lived before, so I do not care about that and I use it as fuel."

"They want me to win my nickname, which I'm going to do, I'm playing pretty well for a rookie my first two games, I'm going to continue to progress and focus on football. fear not to be the best possible version of Minkah Fitzpatrick and help my team win games. "

Ryan Fitzpatrick, who leads the NFL in passing and who led the Bucs to a 2-0 record so far, has not yet been made available to comment. Minkah has not yet heard of Ryan or his team.

Minkah Fitzpatrick stated that he plans to use the FitzMagic trademark for clothing and that a clothing line is "in preparation".

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