Minneapolis police release bodycam video at Blevins


Minneapolis authorities broadcast Sunday body video of two police officers in the deadly murder of a 31-year-old black man, with images showing the man shot from behind after a frenetic foot race and

Agents Justin Schmidt and Ryan Kelly were answering the call of 911 from a man who was firing a gun in the air along the north coast of the city June 23rd. The video shows that they were pulling their cruising car up. a man – Blevins – sitting on a sidewalk near a woman with a child in a stroller. At the moment when the officers stop, they say, "He has a gun! Blevins jumps and runs, while the officers shout, "Stop, stop, raise your hands, I'll exploit!"

In a lawsuit that takes less than a minute, Blevins shouts, "I'm not sure. I did not do anything Do not do anything, "" Do not shoot it please "and" Leave me alone. " An improved version of the video has a red circle drawn around Blevins' hand to highlight what appears to be a weapon.

Blevins is shot down from an alley, Blevins is shot down, still in the process of

Investigators said that Kelly and Schmidt fired their weapons An autopsy showed that Blevins had been shot several times

A woman on a sidewalk before running, carrying a black and silver rifle A gun was recovered at the scene Some witnesses had disputed that Blevins was armed, saying that he was carrying a bottle or cup. He seemed to have something in each hand when he first ran.

A protest of Blevins' death was scheduled for Tuesday afternoon at Hennepin County Go

Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey said in June that the body-camera video would be aired after the Blevins family was released.

The city released raw footage from the cameras of both agents, as well as a so-called "stabilized" video that includes images of the two agents produced by the National Defense Center. Audio and video forensics in Beverly Hills, California. Officials said the footage had been subjected to a process to identify the pixels in each image and align them to limit tremors.

In Minnesota, survey data are generally non-public until the conclusion of an investigation. But state laws allow the broadcast of material like body-camera images if this is considered a benefit to the public or it dissipates "rumors or generalized unrest".

Both officers are on paid administrative leave. Relatives of Blevins have previously called both officers to face criminal charges.

Chief Medaria Arradondo issued a statement after the release of the video, saying that he could not comment during the investigation.

2013 and Schmidt joined in 2014. Both had served in the military and had been repeatedly recognized for their work as police officers, according to personal records redacted. They also had complaints against them: Kelly had five complaints, all closed without discipline, while Schmidt had three complaints against him, two of which were closed without discipline and one which remains open.

Minneapolis has been rocked by two deadly police shots in recent years, including the November 2015 murder of Jamar Clark, 24, and shooting 40 years last year. Justine Ruszczyk Damond. The Clark case agents have not been charged and the trial of the officer who shot Damond is underway.

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