Minnesota deer season opens on another MDC case


An archery fighter near Preston, Minnesota, fired a dollar during the first weekend of the season positive for chronic debilitating disease (MDC), announced today the department Natural Resources.

MNIC Wildlife Research Officer Lou Cornicelli said the 3-year-old whitetail was among the first nine to be tested for CWD this season. Testing is mandatory for all deer harvested this year in Area 603, a known risk area for disease established by the DNR three years ago. The area covers Fillmore County and its fringes.

Since the autumn of 2016, 18 deer harvested in the area have been tested positive for the ever-fatal neurological disease. In addition to requiring that each deer harvested in the test area, the MNR oversaw an aggressive harvest to refine the local herd to reduce the spread of CWD.

In addition, state wildlife officials have banned hunters from exporting deer out of the management zone without confining carcasses. The regulation makes it possible to provide appropriate tissues to the tissues of the spine and brain potentially containing prions responsible for the disease.

Cornicelli said the latest discovery highlights the importance and necessity of the state's disease surveillance efforts. "We are grateful for the hunters' willingness to help us combat CWD by complying with current sampling regulations and restrictions on movement of carcasses," he said.

In the most recent case, the hunter near Preston received a new tag as a reward for his cooperation.

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