Miss Mississippi attributes merit to incarcerated father


Miss Mississippi this year said that his incarcerated father is his biggest supporter, telling a local newspaper, "I know he's proud of me."

Asya Branch won the state pageant title on Saturday and competed with the Empowering Children of Incarcerated Parents Platform.

"My dad was incarcerated half of my life, and it was tough, extremely difficult," said Branch at Clarion Ledger of Jackson, Miss.

"Go to school, be judged.The company wants to judge the children of incarcerated parents, it is shameful, it is blameworthy."

"Go to school, be judged.The company wants to judge the children of incarcerated parents, it is shameful, it is blameworthy."

– Asya Branch, Miss Mississippi 2018

But it was his struggles that shaped his desire to "bring people a message of hope and love," reported the Booneville contest winner's newspaper.

The unwavering support of his father brought him to the crown.

"He is my greatest promoter and supporter and motivator," she said. "He is so grateful for this organization and all that it has molded me."

Branch told the local newspaper that she was going to have a tape recording of the paging TV ready for the DVD when it was released, so that they could "revive together".

The University of Mississippi student said her father was the most influential person of her life, according to her profile on the Miss Mississippi website, saying she's a "daddy's daughter" .

Branch's mother was also a special inspiration, she told Clarion Ledger.

"You can not please everyone, it's impossible, but your parents are the first, you know, you want to make them proud."

– Asya Branch

"Every step of this journey has been truly incredible and my mother has been with me through all this," said Branch. "She came to see me last night and I could see the joy in her eyes and her pride, you can not please everyone, it's impossible, but your parents are first, you know, you want to be proud "

The subsidiary told Fox MS News that she is very happy to join more children of incarcerated parents and offer them support.

Amy Lieu is a news editor and journalist for Fox News.

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