Mission accomplished and healthy boys, rescuers return home


Thai and foreign rescuers of the youth football team trapped in a cave for 18 days began returning home Thursday, doctors saying that boys and girls They saved did not

The SEAL team members of the Thai Navy, who were among the first researchers to penetrate into the depth of the Tham Luang Nang cave and no the last divers went to their base at Sattahip in the Gulf of Thailand. they received the welcome of the heroes. The ceremony was crowned with their commander leading an enthusiastic round of the Navy cheering "Hooyah!

Foreign aid, including some of the world's best cave divers, has also begun to return home.

The Thai authorities have been generous with their praise from abroad. volunteers who played a vital role in the complicated search and rescue operation, including the two British divers who were the first to discover where the members of the Wild Boar football club

were. One of them, John Volanthen; Jason Mallison met before their departure with Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha, who handed each of them a souvenir medal, a polo shirt and a lacquered wooden box with an official emblem.

"Jason is 18 months old" But he was immediately driven to Heathrow Airport in Thailand after receiving a call from us, "said Tourism Minister Weerasak Kowsurat, after seeing the two divers. "We are so grateful that he sacrificed his family to be with us."

"For John, the person who first discovered the boys, he has a character so impressive. He said that he had come to save the children and that we were very grateful for his help this time around. "

The boys were described as being in a normal state in a Chiang Rai hospital Thursday, although their level of recovery varied because they were removed from the cave for three days. [19659003] Their relatives are allowed to visit them by wearing hospital gowns and masks after being kept away from the boys for fear that one group will transmit infections to each other.

The four boys rescued on Sunday have normal heart rhythms and no fever, and both of them with lung infections improve, said Jedsada Chokdumrongsuk, permanent secretary of the Ministry of Public Health. The secretary reported in a statement.Three of the five in the last group have fevers that relieve, and three have middle ear infections.

All members of the group receive antibiotics. Also said that a psychiatrist was taking care of boys, who sleep well and do not show symptoms of stress.

The 12 Wild Boars players and their coach entered the cave to explore on June 23, but the monsoon rains filled the narrow passages, blocking their escape. They were found 10 days later, huddled on a small dry shelf just above the water, and divers and other international rescuers plotted the complex mission of rescuing the team before that rain does come

On July 7, during a refueling mission inside the cave, volunteer Narongsak Osatanakorn praised the cooperation between Thai and international rescuers

"The The situation went beyond the rescue mission and became a symbol of unity among humanity, "he said Wednesday night. "Everyone was working together without discrimination of race or religion because the ultimate goal was to save the youth football team."

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