Mitch McConnell Blames the Poor for Trump's Trillion Dollar Deficit


In a life filled with uncertainty, you can always count on certain things. First, this death is for everyone. Second, the current president of the United States will call an adult movie star that he has paid to keep silent about an alleged "face to face" case on social media. And thirdly, after spending a $ 1.5 trillion tax cut, they insisted they would pay themselves back and then others, Republicans accused social services such as Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security of exploding their deficits and debt and would insist that such "rights", unfortunately, should disappear.

As a reminder, the Grand Old Party did the trick of pretending to worry about "fiscal responsibility" when Barack Obama was in place and attractive water reductions were not contemplated. "Only one thing can save this country is to solve this problem of deficit and debt," said the leader of the majority Mitch McConnell insisted after the 44th president won his second term. "The federal tax burden threatens the security, freedom and independence of our nation," warned the Republican party platform in 2016. "You're bankrupt for our grandchildren!" Was a common refrain, from same as proclamations such as "I have won". t approve a bill that adds a penny to the deficit! Donald Trump won the elections, and all these worries about the mutilation of the next generation and the country that locks them in a handbag disappeared overnight – almost as if it had been feigned in the beginning! – with Republicans demanding not only that Congress pass a measure to reduce the deficit legislation so that the president and his children can pay even less tax than they already do, but maintaining – laws on mathematics, physics, time and space to damn – that the bill formerly called "Cut Cut Cut Act" would actually help shrink the deficit.

But like G.O.P. surely knew that it would never happen. As we learned this week, the US budget deficit reached $ 779 billion for the fiscal year, an increase of 17% over the previous year, which is very serious if the economy is well. . Fortunately, Mitch McConnell knows exactly who and what to blame:

"It's disappointing, but it's not a Republican problem," McConnell said in an interview with Bloomberg News when asked about rising deficits and debt. "This is a bipartisan problem: refusal to tackle the real debt factors by doing everything in its power to adapt these programs to the demographic data of America in the future."

According to McConnell, the "real" drivers of debt are "Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid", "rights" from which the Senate Majority Leader would cut the old and the poor if he could only sign the accession of Democrats. (This is unlikely to happen, given Nancy Pelosi statement today: "As if on wheels, Congressional Republicans are shaking up their plan to destroy Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security on which older people and their families rely, just months after blowing up." the $ 2 trillion deficit with their tax scam. rich "and Chuck Schumer's that suggesting cuts in "middle-class programs such as Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid as the only financially responsible solution to solving the debt problem is nothing less than energy bursting ".)

McConnell's view of the situation echoes that of the White House, including the director of the National Economic Council, Larry Kudlow, Last month he said he did not "buy" the argument that tax cuts increase the deficit and that real The problem is "mainly to spend too much". (Kudlow, who has a penchant for never being right, also said in June that the deficit "was disappearing quickly.") Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin was even more direct when he was assessed at CNN last week: "People are going to mean that the deficit is due to tax cuts. This is not the real story. (The report of his own department suggests the opposite.) Incidentally, in June, reports circulated that the Trump government was trying to find a solution to reduce an additional US $ 100 billion in US tax bills. the most rich. and in late September, House Republicans passed a bill that would increase debt by more than $ 600 billion over the next decade. None of these measures will materialize, but if we do not, we are sure that McConnell is ready to blame the poor and elderly freeloaders who clearly hate America.

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Trump: Saudi Arabia falsely accused of murder, just as Brett Kavanaugh was falsely accused of sexual assault

"I think we must first know what has happened," the president told The Associated Press Tuesday, commenting on the irrefutable evidence evoking the involvement of the company. Saudi Arabia in the disappearance of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. "Here we are again with, you know, you are guilty until you prove your innocence. I do not like that. We have just experienced this with Judge Kavanaugh and he was innocent to my point of view. "

The President of the United States declared the Federal Reserve the greatest threat to his presidency

Yes, you heard right: not the prosecutor's special investigation of Russia, nor the trade war with China, which harms American companies in the states that voted for him, or the impeachment, but the Federal Reserve led by its chosen president of the Fed:

Trump Tuesday stepped up his assault on the Federal Reserve, calling it "my biggest threat".

"Because the Fed is raising rates too quickly. And it's independent, so I do not talk to him, "Trump said in an interview with Fox Business, referring to the Fed's president. Jerome Powell. "But I'm not happy with what he's doing because it's going too fast. Because you look at the latest figures of inflation, they are very low. "

Trump has been attacking Powell for several months now against the central banker's decision to raise rates, which President of Buy and Sell blamed last week for the two-day market crash. "The problem [causing the market drop] in my opinion, it's the Treasury and the Fed, "he said at the time. "The Fed is going loco and there is no reason for it to do it, I'm not happy about that."

The "clean and beautiful" coal industry will not benefit from its bailout yet

And after all Rick Perry's hard work! By policy:

The White House has asked Perry to "immediately prepare measures to end the loss of retired nuclear and coal power plants more than four months ago," and Trump even halted a fundraiser in the United States. Ohio in May to order an assistant to call Perry to talk to him about the rescue. . He also touted the benefits of coal for national security a few months later during another West Virginia speech. . . . But the White House suspended the project despite the opposition of the president's advisers to the National Security Council and the National Economic Council, according to four people familiar with the talks.

"The problem they have, is that every conceivable option increases costs for someone at a time when no one likes to raise their costs, wherever they are." it would be", Bob Coward, co-leader of the energy consulting firm MPR Associates, told Politico. "I think that's the problem they continue to encounter. The political will to pay for this is not yet wide enough for them. "Yet the industry can not be also angry at the president, who dropped the Paris climate deal last year and is trying to let coal plants regulate.

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