Mitch McConnell warns of fighting 2 potential court selections might face: NYT


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Worries about confirmation battles that could threaten two of President Donald Trump's best potential candidates to replace the former justice of the United States. the Supreme Court, Anthony Kennedy.

The trial of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, appointed in 2006 at the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, and his previous terms in the administration of President George W. Bush could be obstacles to the confirmation process, the New York Times reported on Saturday.

It is said that the pages of judicial decisions and other documents written by Kavanaugh "number in the millions", which, Mr. McConnell feared, could give the Senate Democrats an opportunity to delay the proceedings. confirmation vote until the new court session begins. October, with mid-term elections imminent next month, "the paper said McConnell also warned Trump that he was in danger of losing the support of the GOP's moderate senators, Susan Collins of Maine. Trump warned that he might risk losing the support of the GOP's moderate senators and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, whom he named Amy Coney Barrett to the high court, according to the Times.

Barrett , 46, was appointed to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals last year.It is popular among social conservatives and is seen as particularly open to the elimination of constitutional rights protection. to abortion.

McConnell tells Trump that Raymond Kethledge and Thomas Hardiman, two other judges of the Federal Court of Appeal According to the Times, Kavanaugh, 53, is favored by the United States. White House lawyer Donald McGahn and some Observers rank it at the top of the list of appointments to the Court. But it has also been criticized by some parts of the conservative GOP base who regard it as under-committed on some of their key causes, particularly the repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

"What worries me most about Brett Kavanaugh is that all who said [Supreme Court Chief Justice] John Roberts would be a rockstar for the right say the same thing about Kavanaugh" tweeted conservative radio host Erick Erickson

In 2012, Roberts cast the key vote in a 5-4 court ruling that preserved the ACA.

Kavanaugh's role in the multifaceted investigation of President Bill Clinton led by independent lawyer Ken Starr in the 1990s could also become a focal point if Trump appoints him to replace Kennedy. Kavanaugh co-authored part of the latest Starr report that argued for Clinton's removal for general reasons such as lying to his staff and misleading the public.

Kethledge, 51, was appointed to the US Court of Appeals. Circuit in 2008. It is considered a solidly conservative choice with less luggage than Kavanaugh.

Hardiman, 53, was named to the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals in 2007 and was previously a serious candidate for the seat of the Supreme Court. vacant by the death of the late Judge Antonin Scalia. Trump, in one of his first major decisions as president, chose Neil Gorsuch instead.

He holds a "broader view of the second amendment the Supreme Court has articulated to date."

Trump to announce his nomination to the Supreme Court in a White House televised address Monday at 9 pm [19659013]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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