Mitt Romney calls family separations a "dark chapter in American history"


Senate candidate Mitt Romney, during a debate in Utah late Tuesday, criticized the Trump government's zero tolerance immigration policy that led to the family separation at the border, the appellant "a heartbreak" and "a dark chapter of American history".

"It's inexcusable and it can not continue," Romney said.

Trump signed a decree in June ending his government's policy of separating families crossing the border illegally, preferring instead to detain parents with their children. A federal court ordered the government to return more than 2,000 child detainees to their parents. More than 200 children have yet to be reunited.

Romney, a former Massachusetts governor and candidate for the 2012 Republican presidential election, will face Democratic opponent Jenny Wilson, Salt Lake City councilman in the November general election. Sen left his vacancy. Orrin Ax, a staunch supporter of President Donald Trump and the oldest Republican in the Senate.

Romney and Wilson clashed on a number of issues, including the immigration and firearms laws, at Southern Utah University during their first and only debate before the mid-term elections. Romney said that he supported securing the US-Mexico border and that the 1.8 million undocumented youth who came to the United States while they were children, better known by the name of Dreamers, should be able to stay in the country legally.

"I also believe that if they want to become citizens, they should have the opportunity to align with everyone," he said. "No special way, but stand in line."

Wilson said that it was time to proceed with a comprehensive, compassionate and family oriented immigration reform. And she blamed Romney for being "more bellicose" than Trump on the issue.

"I find it heartbreaking," she says of Dreamers. "Thinking we would queue them – they did not come of their own free will – and wait is not good."

Romney ad his candidacy for the Senate in February and quickly obtained the approval of Trump, despite the colorful history of the two men. Romney was a declared critic of Trump during the 2016 election, rejecting the candidate of the time as a "false"And a" fraud. "He also said that Trump was"play members of the American public for rejections"And that his" promises are worthless as a diploma from Trump University. "

Trump lost little time to go back, saying Romney "choked like a dog"In his candidacy for the 2012 presidential election. Romney and Trump then discussed the possibility of Romney becoming his secretary of state.

During Tuesday's debate, Romney dodged questions about his earlier criticisms of Trump. He said he agrees with many of Trump's actions, including the deregulation push of the administration and its demolition of national monuments in the state of Utah.

"I will talk about these things," he said. "I do not want to become a monster, talking day after day about everything the president says day-to-day. I do not always agree with what he says. "

When asked exactly what Trump had done to redeem himself, Romney replied, "I will not specifically describe my comment in this regard in the past. I will talk about the future. "

At least twice, Wilson called Romney "Mitt multiple choice", criticizing him for turning around on issues during his political career. The first came after Romney opposed the new federal firearms regulations, saying states should be able to make these decisions themselves.

Wilson responded by reading a statement made by Romney following the signing in 2004 of a state assault weapons ban while the Massachusetts governor said, "Assault Weapons" mortals do not have their place in Massachusetts. These weapons are not made for recreation or self defense. They are instruments of destruction for the sole purpose of stalking and killing people. Wilson also noted that Romney had expressed its support for the federal government's ban on assault weapons in a 2008 presidential debate.

"I support strengthening our gun laws," she said. "Hope and prayers are not enough for the terrible devastation we see in schools."

After do not get the Republican Senate appointment from Utah altogetherRomney beaten to victory during the GOP primary in Utah in June, easily beating the state's representative, Mike Kennedy. He is a big favorite over Wilson in the Nov. 6 election.

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