Mitt Romney denies ever leading the "Never Trump" movement


MItt Romney, the Republican presidential candidate for 2012, denies ever playing a leading role in the wing of the GOP that had rejected President Trump at the head of his party.

"Oh, I do not think that's the case," Romney told reporters Friday at the request of the "Never Trump" movement after an election campaign for Rep. Martha McSally, R-Ariz, to Gilbert, Ariz. "President Trump was not the person I wanted to nominate to our party, but he's president now, the policies he's promoted have been very effective, and I'm supporting a lot of these." When there is a place where I do not agree, outside. "

"But right now, we are in a race to say: are we going to have a country that is going to be guided by conservative principles or are we going to take a tight left turn?" Romney said. "And conservative principles work, which is why I think people will rally to Martha McSally and the country's Republicans."

Romney, the former Massachusetts governor who is GOP candidate at the US Senate seat in Utah, released by Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, says he has not voted for Trump in the 2016 presidential election. Instead, Trump's vocal critic voted for his wife, Ann.

McSally is competing against Democratic Representative Kyrsten Sinema to represent Arizona in the Senate. McSally, this Sunday, has less than a percentage point ahead of Sinema in the RealClearPolitics polls aggregator analyzing their tight competition.

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