MLB lifts conditionally permanent ban on Mets reliever Jenrry Mejia, who could return in 2019


In February 2016, MLB announced that Mets reliever Jenrry Mejia had been permanently banned following the third positive test for forbidden DEPs . On Friday, the league reversed the trend and conditionally restored Mejia, now 28.

Here is MLB's complete statement:

Major League Baseball announced today that Commissioner Robert D. Manfred, Jr. has New York Mets pitcher Jenrry Mejia is seeking reinstatement in his permanent suspension under the Major League Baseball Joint Prevention and Treatment Program (announced on February 12, 2016). Mejia will be allowed to resume participation in non-public training sessions at the Mets facility after the All-Star Break in 2018 and will be eligible for rehab with a Mets subsidiary in mid-August. Provided that Mejia complies with certain conditions established by the Commissariat and accepted by Mejia and the Players' Association, Mejia will be reinstated from the shortlist and will be able to resume all baseball activities as of the spring training of 2019.

Commissioner Manfred made the following statement regarding the conditional reinstatement of Mejia:

"Under the terms of our collectively negotiated Joint Drug Program, a suspended player like Mr. Mejia has the right to apply for my discretionary reinstatement after having served a minimum of two After receiving Mr. Mejia's reinstatement application last year, I invited him to New York to meet me and, during our meeting, Mr. Mejia expressed his regret for the bad choices he's made in the past and assured me that in light of Mr. Mejia's contrition, his commitment to abide by the program in the "In the future, and the fact that he will have spent nearly four consecutive years suspended without pay, I decided to give Mr. Mejia a last chance to resume his professional career. "

Mejia issued the following statement: 19659003] I spent a long time away from the game to contemplate the mistakes I made both with respect to my positive anti-doping tests and the fake allegations I've made about the investigation of my major league Baseball is my profession, my passion and my life, and for these mistakes, I'm really sorry.

I would like to thank the Commissioner Manfred to have granted my reinstatement.I would also like to thank my family and my friends for their support throughout this difficult period.

I have a lot of work to do, but I do not have a lot of work to do. I look forward to regaining the trust and respect of the New York Mets, fans and especially my teammates.

The usual pattern of PED suspensions is a player statement in which the accidental / unconscious ingestion of the substance in question is declared followed by 9, acceptance of the penalty. In the case of Mejia, however, things have not disappeared, which is understandable given the stakes. Shortly after the ban was announced, Mejia alleged a witch hunt on the part of the MLB and a lack of support from the Players Association . Then a few months later, Mejia announced plans to continue the league then in January he accepted a contract with the Mets, despite it being still banned . Now, however, there is a clear path to reintegration in time for the 2019 season.

Mejia through five-season big league games pitted at a 3.66 ERA / 99 ERA + and a ratio of 2.13 K / BB in 113 games, including 95 appearances in relief. In 2014, he saved 28 games in the approach of Mets.

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