MLB releases Houston Astros from allegations of theft of placards


Major League Baseball has stated that it has found no violation of the Houston Astros with respect to the alleged theft of placards during the playoffs.

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"With regard to the two incidents involving a Houston Astros employee, security identified a problem, resolved it and entrusted it to the investigations department." an Astros employee was monitoring the pitch to make sure the opposing club was not breaking the rules, "said MLB in a statement Wednesday.

"All clubs remaining in the playoffs have been advised to refrain from such efforts and to address any complaints of any violation of stadium rules to MLB staff for investigation and resolution. that the case is closed ".

S addressing reporters Wednesday before the fourth game of the American League series, general manager Jeff Luhnow said the Astros "were playing in defense" in overseeing the other teams. He added that the Astros routinely checked the opponents' stadiums to make sure their opponents were not using any electronic device that would give them an advantage.

The investigation was launched after an Astros employee was apparently seen filming from the photographer's pit adjacent to the Boston Red Sox canoe in the first game of the ALCS at Fenway Park. reported Tuesday night that the Cleveland Indians had filed a complaint with MLB that the Astros were trying to film their canoe in the third game of the AL Division series, and the Associated Press reported on Wednesday. another man had tried to access the photographer's booth at the Indian dugout.

Yahoo Sports reported Tuesday that in August, Oakland Athletics players believed that Astros members were relaying stolen panels during games and that the team had called for an investigation to be either conducted on the incident. The MLB only addressed post-season incidents in its statement.

The use of electronic devices during games should be the subject of a wider discussion at next month's Directors General meetings.

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