Mobile phone radiation can affect MEMORY in adolescents, disturbing study reveals


The radiation of your mobile phone can affect your memory, reveals a disturbing new study.

Researchers from the Swiss Tropical Institute and Public Health examined the relationship between radiation exposure (RF-EMF) of mobile phones and memory performance in adolescents.

They discovered that brain exposure to radiation from smartphones for only one year had a negative effect on the memory performance of young people.

Martin Röösli, one of the researchers in the study, said: -EMF absorbed by the brain is responsible for the associations observed. "

Teenager On The Telephone

In the study, 700 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years were analyzed for a year, to understand whether the radiation of their phones affected their memory.

The results showed that the time spent with the ear-held phone affected the performance of memory.

But other aspects of the use of the phone, such as sending text messages or

The researchers point out that further studies are needed to rule out the influence of other factors.

Dr. Röösli adds: "For example, the results of the study could have been affected by puber ty, which affects both the use of the mobile phone and the cognitive and behavioral state of the participant. "

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